Instead of letting stress drag you down, here are five surefire ways to keep yourself feeling motivated and inspired:

1) Surround yourself with things that you love. If you can look around any space that you occupy and see items that make you feel happy and uplifted, or remind you of something special in your life, then you are more likely to feel good while in that space.

2) Spend time outside. Taking the time to reconnect with nature and catch a few rays of sunshine will do a lot more for you than just boosting your vitamin D production; it will allow you to ground back into Mother Earth and will give you a feeling of well-being.

3) Have a positive attitude. Your general outlook on life can have a profound effect on how you feel. Try putting a positive spin on tough situations and always look for the bright side. You'll be surprised how often this completely changes your experience!

4) Exercise your body and your mind. A healthy body feels better, and exercise has a large number of mental and emotional benefits as well. Even if it's only half an hour, finding time four or five times per week to do yoga, tai chi, or simply take a walk, will positively affect your entire life!

5) Spend time with people who nourish you. The more time you spend with people who you enjoy being around, who you can laugh with, explore life with, and who build your energy levels and excitement about life, the better you will feel. Avoid spending time with people who make you feel drained and tired – they are sucking the life energy right out of you!
Feng Shui is an ancient and complex art form, and there are many people who are practicing it as their profession, offering consultations and advice to their clients. Different Feng Shui consultants may focus on different areas of Feng Shui, or have specific interests or areas of expertise. Depending on what your personal goals are, you will want to find a practitioner who can work well in helping you meet your needs. It is best to work with a Feng Shui consultant, because of how much contradictory information there is out there for those looking to learn more about Feng Shui.
When looking for a Feng Shui consultant, start by asking them about their training. Where did they get their training in Feng Shui, and how long have they been practicing and doing consultations? Find out what their focus is when they work with Feng Shui. Inquire as to whether they do energy clearings and home blessings as a part of their services if this is of interest to you. The more you know about what their services involve, the easier it will be to determine if they're a good match for you.

When you have your first consultation, you will likely be doing a walk-through of your home, as well as the rest of your property. This is a wonderful time to tell them about your goals or share your concerns with the practitioner. One last thing to inquire about is whether or not they are available to you after you make the changes in case you run into any trouble. Some practitioners are always happy to hear from you, while others prefer to get any feedback you might have within a certain amount of time. In the end, as with all parts of life, finding someone who you like and get along well with is important, so above all else, find someone you are comfortable working with.
Conceiving a child is a sacred journey, and one that many people very much desire to embark upon. There are a number of ways to utilize the Feng Shui of your home, and especially the chi in your bedroom, to increase your chances of conception. If you have already worked to create a positive flow of energy in your home, that is wonderful and you don't need to change much. In fact, many Feng Shui experts recommend that you avoid making changes in the home while attempting to conceive. The one thing that you should change is any stuck energies in the bedroom or any clutter underneath your bed.

Symbols of fertility that you can bring into your home (and even your wardrobe) include:
  • Elephants (fertility symbol, good in the bedroom)
  • Rose Quartz (fertility symbol to wear)
  • Kwan Yin (Buddhist Goddess of Compassion and protector of the souls of children)
  • Rabbits (a fairly obvious fertility symbol)
  • Brass Chimes (to be hung in the entrance of your home to stimulate new energy therein)
Feng Shui for Finding a Partner
The home is a reflection of those who live within it, and should reflect their ideals, hopes, and dreams. For those who are looking to attract a partner, the Feng Shui of your home should be a part of that plan. Oftentimes, in the process of doing so, people will find that corners of their home have been neglected, so not only was relationship stability missing from their lives, but also from their home space.

Feng Shui for Relationship Do's:
  • Decorate with pairs - two candles, a vase with two flowers, etc.
  • Make your bedroom a sacred space in spirit and in decoration
  • Place red and pink items in your bedroom
  • Use scents like vanilla, cinnamon and lavender in your home
Feng-shui for Relationship Don'ts:
  • Keep mementos of past relationships lying around
  • Leave clutter of any kind lying about
  • Keep things that are old and broken lying around the house
  • Have a computer or television in your bedroom


In This Issue




The Emotional Flow of your Home
Most people are quite comfortable with the idea of chi flowing through their homes, and by extension, manipulating that energy flow through the use of placement. Let's take it one step further and look at the emotional flow of your home. As chi flows through your home, it affects the emotions and well-being of all who live there. Areas of stuck energy or negative flows of energy can create emotional and sometimes even physical "dis-ease" for people. Feng Shui should not merely address placement of the functional items in your home, it should also incorporate mirrors, chimes, plants, and water features to redirect negative and stuck energy, to keep all the occupants of a home feeling well.

Detoxifying your Kitchen
These days, it seems like toxins are everywhere. The kitchen is the hearth and heart of the home, and one place you definitely want to avoid collecting toxins. After all, this is the place from which we nourish our bodies. The following is a checklist of things to avoid having in your kitchen:

• Microwaves: Don't zap your food with radiation. It's that simple.

• Non-purified water: If you don't have clean water, filter it.

• Unsafe cookware: Avoid aluminum and Teflon. Instead, use gently cleaned stainless steel, glass, or cast iron.

• Plastic: Plastic breaks down easily and leaches into food; avoid using it whenever possible, and never heat it.

• Harsh cleaning chemicals: Vinegar and baking soda should take care of all your clean-kitchen needs.

• Mutant food: Eat the freshest organic whole foods possible to avoid toxins.

Guided Meditation
Guided meditation is a wonderful way to get a little help with the basics, take your practice deeper, learn new meditation tools, or create a healthy variety in your meditation routine. Being led through a meditation can be a beautiful experience for both the novice practitioner and someone who has been practicing meditation for years. Some of the topics of guided meditations available include relaxation, peacefulness, healing, centering, and abundance, among many others.
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