Arthritis is a condition in which there is painful inflammation around the joints, most commonly in the hands, wrists, elbows, and knees, although it can be present in any joint. There are a number of kinds of arthritis, from osteoarthritis to rheumatoid arthritis. All forms of arthritis can see relief through the use of aromatherapy.

Essential oils that are considered particularly effective for treating arthritis include: ginger, lavender, rosemary, cinnamon, eucalyptus, black pepper, camphor, thyme, juniper, pine scotch, and lemon. The essential oils of these plants are used, as are the hydrosols and phytols (the condensed water from the essential oil creation process and the result of soaking the plant material in water or oil, respectively).

Inhalation of essential oils works well, but in order to experience the full healing effects on arthritis, the oils need to be applied topically. There are two main ways to do this- through applying essential oil dilutions to the skin or through hot compresses. With dilution, you'll want to combine the essential oil(s) with a base, such as a food-grade cosmetic oil or cream base, in 3% oil to 97% base ratio. Apply throughout the day as needed. For hot compresses, add a few drops of essential oil to a bowl of hot (not scalding) water, submerge a cloth in the water, wring it out and place it around the affected area until the cloth cools to room temperature. Repeat several times.

Even if you have never had a hot stone massage before, you probably already have a concept of what it consists of. Hot stone massage is an ancient technique that can be traced back to its roots in India, which is also the home of the Ayurvedic tradition. In order to fully understand the benefits of hot stone massage, a brief background on Ayurvedic principles will be helpful.

Ayurveda means "science of life," and holds that the five elements - ether, air, fire, water, and earth - are all at play in any given human. Any healing tradition, it follows, will come from one of these five elements. As for the personal constitutions of each person, there are three doshas. Doshas are the way the elements manifest in any given person. Most people are stronger in one dosha than another, but have aspects of all three. If a person's doshas are out of alignment with one another, this can manifest in energetic, mental, or physical illness.

In the case of hot stone massage, the vata dosha is balanced. The vata dosha is associated with air and movement, and is considered very important to keep in balance as it can cause the other two doshas, pitta and kapha, to become unbalanced if left unchecked. Ayurvedic hot stone massage recipients can also expect to have a certain amount of grounding work done in their lower chakras. Much of the movement is likely to be directed towards the root chakra, as this is a primary grounding source in the body.

When you have a hot stone massage, you will be draped as in any other massage. Stones may be placed on your torso, limbs, and face. Hot and cool stones will not be used at the same time except on the face. The hot stones may simply be placed on the body, or they may be used to massage muscles in order to help muscles relax and release. Both the heat and the smoothness of the stone are effective in releasing muscle tension. Often times, a practitioner will click the stones together before applying them to the body - this is said to activate the stones and also lets you know that the stones are about to be applied.

As anyone who has ever swam competitively can tell you, deep breathing is not only important, it is essential. If, while swimming, you fail to get all the oxygen you need, you immediately begin to feel a burning sensation in your lungs and your muscles tire much quicker. Loss of endurance and physical pain from a lack of breathing is something that most people only feel when exercising, but the fact of the matter is that the body needs full, deep breaths all the time.

Shallow breathing can inhibit circulation in the body and contribute to a host of other issues, from the physical to the psychological. Anxiety, panic attacks and an inability to handle life as it comes would point toward a lack of slow, steady breathing. If you are easy to tire or frequently experience shortness of breath, then you are likely not drawing air all the way in to your lungs. Breathe normally and observe where the breath is. Is it shallow, reaching only to your chest, or is it deep, expanding all the way down to your lower abdomen? How slow is your breath? Do you inhale and exhale for the same amount of time?

When you're not getting enough oxygen, it affects you entire body. Think of it this way: your heart beats to move blood through the body, specifically to pump oxygenated blood out into the body so that all the different parts of your body can continue to function - brain, organs, and muscles included. Deep breathing also keeps the lymphatic system going, which is important as this is how your body rids itself of waste. Your prescription for health: breathe deeply.


In This Issue

News from my office

Getting the Most Out of Food
To get the most nutrition and vitality out of your food, follow the following five guidelines:

1. Eat food as soon as possible after it comes out of the ground. Growing your own or buying from local farmers is the best way to do this. Likewise, eat food soon after cooking- there is generally considered to be a 24-hour period after which food loses its vitality.

2. Eat organic foods. They contain fewer toxins and have more vitamins, minerals and nutrients than "conventionally" grown foods.

3. Avoid genetically modified foods, as nobody really knows the full extent of what that process does to foods. Many foods that have been modified not to produce seeds are missing the lion's share of their original nutritional profiles.

4. Eat a large variety of foods to assist your body in the uptake of different nutrients and avoid over-doing it on any one set of nutrients.

5. Eat whole foods and avoid processed foods. The more any food is processed, the less edible it is in terms of bio-availability and digestibility.

Bamboo Massage

Much like hot stone massage utilizes hot stones to massage muscles; bamboo massage uses bamboo as a massage tool. The bamboo used in massage has been cut and dried, or cured, before use. The use of bamboo in massage comes out of the Tian Di Bamboo school, which is a relatively new modality that pulls aspects from TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). Bamboo is a plant that is ascribed for its energetic qualities of vigor and long life. The bamboo plant, which grows straight up from the ground, seems to reach for the sky, making it a very powerful energy plant to work with. Massage with bamboo might have started with monkeys, but today more and more areas are offering this unique and therapeutic style of massage.

Why Follow Yoga With Self-Massage?

---Massaging muscles after exertion but before cool-down can prevent tightness, stiffness and sore muscles.

---Yoga gets movement going in the body, especially in the lymphatic system, and massage can help facilitate that further.

---Massage helps to relax the body and mind after exertion.

---Traditional Indian gurus and teachers of yoga have prescribed the massage of the sweat back into the skin after yoga.

---Targeting joints and lymphatic areas to massage after yoga can increase the effectiveness of your asanas.

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