Every person comes equipped with an inherent knowledge of their own body, and what their body needs in order to heal and be well.  This knowledge or innate awareness is the heart of the body-mind connection.  In order to heal itself, the body relies on its natural ability to tap into that core wisdom which lets it know what it needs. 
Practitioners of various forms of energy healing, such as reiki, know that while we all possess this innate wisdom, we don't all know how to access it on our own.  Given that the body has its own innate healing powers, all an energy healing practitioner must do is help tap into that reservoir.  The actual process is similar to the way a computer program's diagnostics might work:  the body-mind evaluates physical and mental functions, learning which areas are in need of an upgrade.

Discovering what is needed and desired by the body for effective healing, re-balancing, and restoration of healthy flows of communication amongst the myriad of bodily systems and organs is what holistic energy healing is all about.  The body-mind is fully capable of communicating what it needs in order to heal effectively.  The process is simply one of bringing awareness to both the mind and the body with the intention of creating a space that will facilitate healing.  Every person deserves to experience health and wellness of both body and mind.  Often, the two are intertwined to the point that an issue in one will directly affect the other. Allowing the body-mind to present the areas that need to be healed, rather than being diagnosed (sometimes wrongfully) by an outside source, makes holistic health far more possible.
Do you ever find yourself feeling like a victim of circumstance? Do you settle into familiar patterns because they feel safe and comfortable? Like a magnet, you will attract to your life whatever it is that you're unconsciously programming to bring in. Many of us fail to be held accountable for our own circumstances; instead of taking responsibility for being the "magnet," we blame society, our families, or the way we were raised for these familiar patterns – it is so much easier than looking at what we are unconsciously doing (or not doing) to create and allow certain circumstances to persist.

The reality is this: we do not LEARN how to live a happy and successful life. We are taught that life is a tough and unfair struggle and we shouldn't expect too much. We are taught to focus on fear, and because of this we lose our faith.

So how do you change this perception, and how do you change your life? First, you have to recognize that you have the ability to change more than you thought possible. Yes, life is challenging, but you do not have to make it harder than it really is. It is made easier when you begin to take responsibility for your own circumstances. Once you acknowledge negative patterns, you must stop them by addressing their sources and the subconscious reasons of why you are still allowing those patterns to persist. 

Have the courage to notice what you are doing to create or allow these particular things you no longer want and stop projecting it all onto someone or something else. Make the decision to stop suffering. Learn to go with the flow and stop trying to manipulate your world so that you will not experience what you don't want to feel. Feelings need to be felt and then addressed so that you can move away from them, heal, and forgive yourself and others when it's necessary to do so. When you do this for yourself, you will also stop those negative patterns from being passed down to your children.
In the eyes of the reiki master, the client is the source of all information needed to facilitate healing. Once the client feels trust, they will freely cooperate and healing will progress. Reiki masters are allies to their clients only in the capacity that they are able to embrace the energy of their attentiveness. In other words, they must truly listen and understand with all of their being.  

What's unique about reiki is that there is the opportunity to extend true listening to an energetic level, whether work is being done in the physical, emotional, mental, ethereal, or spiritual arenas. The master is meeting the client on the client's terms and holding their spirit in more attentive ways. Their whole being is tuned in to the information that the client's human energy system is generating. The reiki session is not an exercise in abstraction, but a purely energetic encounter in which the goal is to achieve awareness of how the client's story unfolds and what they need in order to eliminate the residue of all experiences that pose obstacles to healing, enlightenment and wellness. 

Some people go to reiki practitioners and other healers because they feel misunderstood by doctors, therapists, clergy, and even family and friends. Reiki masters owe it to their clients to listen from an environment of inner stillness, non-judgment, and without a personal agenda in mind. In short, there should be no ego involved. They must receive the client's spirit fully, letting it resonate and co-mingle with their own. 
Jane Smith


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Jane Smith


Recognize Your Personal Power
You are a powerful being and no one is in charge of you but YOU. Three things to remember:

— Look within yourself. You have numerous relationships with family, friends, partners, etc., but at the end of the day you are alone. Only YOU can determine your values and priorities.

— Think about what you have learned throughout your life and let those discoveries lead you to deeper realizations. Take note of your personal experiences and insights and let them propel you forward. 
— Live out what you have learned. Channel your insights into action and integrate them into your decision-making. This is what it means to harness your personal power.

What to Seek in a Retreat
If you're looking to get away from it all via a healing retreat, personal journey or spiritual quest, you have countless options to retreat. If you're having difficulty making your decision, here are a few guidelines:

1. Location, location, location. Go to a beautiful, natural setting to which you feel energetically drawn. This could come in the form of the mountains or a quiet tropical paradise. Wherever it may be, make it your temporary utopia. 

2. Keep cost in mind. Take inventory of your budget and make your decision based on what you can afford. There are all manners of price structures when it comes to retreats. 

3. Make sure the retreat feeds your body, mind and soul. Listen to your deepest needs and decide where you'll be comfortable, relaxed, and have the opportunity to heal in the way you need to be healed. 

4. Activities. Ask yourself what you seek – Silent contemplation? Vigorous workouts? Detox? Service (i.e., on a farm or mission trip)? Cultivation of creativity (i.e., writing, painting, making music)?

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