Our bodies are over two-thirds water, and we must continually seek to maintain the balance, replacing water lost to exertion and other bodily processes. Having a strong, healthy body is therefore dependent on having a healthy source of water. While we are blessed to live in a country where water flows freely to our homes for a reasonably small cost, there is absolutely still room for improvement in the quality of that water. That is where the countertop MTS 2000® water filtering system comes in! With as little space as it takes up, you might be inclined to underestimate its capacity, but once you've learned more about it, you won't run that risk again.
The BestWater® MTS 2000® System can produce up to 1,000 gallons of clean, filtered, great-tasting water. It reduces cryptosporidium cysts from the water, which, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, constitutes one of the most common causes of waterborne diseases within the U.S. population. Of course, it is also NSF International certified to significantly reduce over 40 volatile organic compounds and dissolved led from your water.
You can even install the BestWater® MTS 2000® System, and with a five year warranty, you're taken care of. When you've gone through 1,000 gallons, all you have to do is replace the filter and you are back on your way to having delicious filtered water at your fingertips.
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There are two rooms in your house that really demand your attention to cleanliness, and one of those rooms is your kitchen. The kitchen is where you prepare the food you'll consume to nourish your body, and it's the hearth of your home, where family and friends gather together. You store your food there, you share conversation there, and the space where you create all of this needs to be clean! You wouldn't put dirty food into your mouth, which is why you rely on Shaklee's green cleaning power to keep your kitchen sparklingly clean and safe.
When it comes to the dishes upon which you serve everything from comfort food to your greatest culinary masterpiece, there's nowhere better to turn than Shaklee's Get Clean Dish Wash Concentrate. As with any Shaklee product, it comes with its clean credentials. There are no phosphates in this biodegradable, nontoxic and hypoallergenic natural dish cleaning product. Because Get Clean Dish Wash comes in concentrate form, you know that you're doing your part in eliminating unnecessary packaging waste and petro-miles, as well as knowing that the one bottle you purchase is going to clean many, many dishes!
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Usually, when you walk into a prestigious salon, regardless of their affiliation or location, they are interested in selling you their line of products to ensure that you're getting superior cosmetic results at home. (The primary reason they're doing this, of course, is to make a sale, which is important to any business hoping to keep their doors open). That is what makes the following testimonial all the more rare and telling:
"When I walked in the door for my very first facial, I was a little bit nervous and didn't know what to expect. The woman doing my facial put me right at ease, though, and we started off doing an evaluation of my skin based on a questionnaire I had filled out and what she could see and experience of my skin under her bright lights and magnifying lenses.
She kept asking me what kinds of products I used, even though I had told her several times about the line of Shaklee beauty products that I've been using for the past several years now. She just couldn't believe what great condition my skin was in. When I told her the pricing on the Shaklee products, she was amazed! Not only was I paying less, but I was getting better results than the line of products they offered in-house. I don't know that she'll recommend them to others over the salon's product line, but I do know that she told me to keep on using them!"

Jane Smith

Jane Smith, your Shaklee Independent Distributor


The Philosophy behind Great Products
One of the best things – well, other than the amazing products- about placing an order with Shaklee is that you can feel good doing so, knowing that you are supporting a groundbreaking company that is committed to providing the very best, for you AND for the planet. With a focus on health, Shaklee products are natural, eco-friendly and out to make life on this planet better and healthier for everything on it!
Shaklee's product philosophy promises you just three simple things: their products will be safe, they will work, and they will be green. Simple as that may sound, where else can you find a promise of that magnitude?

Party Green
Environmentally conscious hosts can now relax! Invite your guests to the wave of the future and you may convert some of them to a more sustainable lifestyle. Here are some green party tips:
Cloth material: Use cloth tablecloths, napkins, and dishtowels. This elevates the elegance of the evening and saves a few trees in the process. Go one step further by purchasing these items in organic materials.
Dishware: Even for casual barbecues, you should opt for non-disposable (and preferably non-plastic) silverware, glasses, plates and bowls. If this is not feasible, find compostable/biodegradable products. If you are stuck with the non-biodegradable variety, be sure everyone recycles.
Clean-up: Use concentrated dish solution and energy-star rated appliances to wash all the dishes that piled up. For washing dishtowels, hand towels, napkins, and tablecloths, use concentrated laundry soap with an eco-friendly stain remover and run the washing machine on the cold water cycle.
With these simple tips, now you can be the Hostess with the mostess, and throw a spectacular dinner party, ala green!
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