Think of your body like your car. Your car will not last forever, but you can prolong the life of your car by taking excellent care of it, and only putting high-quality products into your car as a preventative against malfunctions. Often in the body, as with a car, when something breaks, it has a domino effect, and just like your car, it can be very costly to repair your body.
Many illnesses are now being traced back to food additives, environmental chemicals and other toxins that alter chemical reactions in the body, and in some frightening cases, may alter your DNA. Time and time again, research shows that a diet laden with fatty and processed foods causes health problems ranging from heart disease, diabetes, cancer, high-cholesterol, angina, and auto-immune disorders. Many fast food restaurants now offer "healthy" choice, but even a salad at McDonalds is devoid of many of the nutrients that would be found in a fresh-made salad, because of the lengthy shelf-life in the fast-food alternative.

You want to take care of your body, just as you would your car, and feed it high quality, nutrient-dense food. The more you pack your body full of these foods, the more you increase your body's ability to stave off illness and disease.  It can take just as much time to grab some carrot sticks as it can to grab some French fries - and think of the great feeling your body will have after you eat carrots, compared to the sluggish feeling we all get after eating greasy fries. In fact, more and more people are turning It makes sense. What you eat is what your body needs to function. If you are not getting enough of nutrients, this will eventually show up in some form of illness, whether it's a cold or something more serious. Many of us are operating at deficient levels of one or more nutrients - though we may not realize it. 

Many people are now turning to dietary extremes to increase the nutritional impact that food plays on their health.  So called Super-foods are foods are one example of this. These are foods that are chock-full of vital nutrients and minerals that the body needs to keep functioning at its peak levels. When you are consuming super-foods, you are feeding your body a concentrated quantity of several things it needs to operate at peak performance, and empowering your body to continue to regenerate healthy cells.  Click here to find some super-foods.

While vegetarian or vegan or raw food diets may not appeal to you, you can still dramatically improve your longevity and the health of your body by taking an active role in the quality of foods you place into your body. After all, you are what you eat. 

More than a system of treating illness, Ayurveda is a 5,000 year old Indian healing science. Sanskrit for "The Science of Life", Ayurveda is designed to guide our body, mind and soul to maintain optimal health and vitality with measures that are almost too simple. Humans were placed on this planet with all the essential elements to their survival.  Ayurveda provides us with the knowledge and guidance to use these elements to thrive. Providing ancient yet practical wisdom regarding our daily routines, seasonal living, diet, behavior, physical activity and the use of our body and it's senses, Ayurveda helps us thrive in the natural context, as we were originally designed to do.  

Ayurveda has two aspects. The first element of this living science is maintaining your health. The principles of this aspect include nutrition, hygiene, good lifestyle habits, and exercise. Through this aspect of Ayurveda, adherents become their own healer, assuming our divine responsibility to learn about our body, how it functions and how to care for and nurture ourselves. You act as your own counselor, dietician, herbalist, personal trainer, therapist and even beautician - your own life-coach! What is beautiful about this approach is its as simple as changing simple things about your diet and lifestyle. 

The second component is a healing art. Ayurveda describes three primary energies that direct our inner and outer environments: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, or: movement, transformation and structure. These three energies are all present in every person, however, one or two elements will likely be more predominant. One aspect of Ayurveda is to determine a person's dominant energies and thereby determine their ideal state of balance amongst all the energies. Each element has both a balanced and an imbalanced expression. At the core of Ayurveda philosophy is balance. The balance within and  the balance of the full person within the living environment. Maintaining this balance and living in harmony according to natural principles affords us physical, emotional and mental health, as well as spiritual satisfaction. Discovering where a person  is imbalanced is the first step in creating a customized intervention using simple practices like nutrition, herbs, aromatherapy, massage, music, meditation and exercise to reestablish health and wellness.

As with most healing arts, Ayurveda focuses on helping you maintain a health and balanced existence.  It is an excellent addition to your healthy lifestyle, and can be a fabulous complementary approach to your existing medicinal routines -- or you might try it as a unique approach to achieving wellness and balance within. 

It's flu season, and you didn't get vaccinated. The temperatures are changing and half the office has the sniffles. When we think of fortifying our immune system, we think of not getting a cold --but there are many more functions of the Immune system than staving off common illnesses. The immune system, the front line defense system to maintaining a healthy and functioning body, provides protection against bacteria, fungus, parasites, and viruses and it also is your first defense against tumors and the beginning stages of cancer. Diseases of the immune system, autoimmune disorders, are on the rise, and though nobody knows why, we do know that its important to take excellent care of our defenses. Fortunately, there are some effective, easy and affordable measures you can take to boost your immune system function.

Daily Exercise
Moderate exercise, daily or near daily, has been shown to improve the overall function of the immune system, and helps the body expel carcinogens, bacteria and other body toxins. The more sedentary you are, the more rapidly you will see the effect of this on your body, according to research. It is also important to exercise if you are overweight, as being overweight can diminish the immune system. "The immune system's cells don't function normally when a person is overweight or has high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides," says Gabriel Fernandes, Ph.D., a professor of medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. "Immune cells are not able to recognize bacteria or viruses and destroy them," Fernandes says.  An important caution is to not overdo the exercise, as this creates too much stress on the body and will also impair the immune system. How do you know where to strike the balance? Experts suggest moving towards 60 minutes per day of moderate exercise, such as brisk walking, listening to your body, slowly increase your workouts to arrive at 60 minutes and stop when you are exhausted.

Get some color on your plate.

Even slight deficiencies in essential nutrients can create a deficit that lowers your immune system function. If you find yourself sniffling often, check out what you are and are not eating. Beyond the commonly known immune booster of Vitamin C, the body needs essential nutrients to keep the immune system in tip-top shape. Vitamin E, which strengthens infection-fighting cells, and aids in preventing heart disease and cancer; Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that lowers rates of colon, prostate and breast cancer, and Vitamin D which has been shown to help eradicate and prevent autoimmune disorders, among others. "Nutrition plays an important part in maintaining immune function," explains George L. Blackburn, M.D., Ph.D., associate director of the division of nutrition at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts. "Insufficiency in one or more essential nutrients may prevent the immune system from functioning at its peak."
Well balanced diet consisting of raw, leafy greens; variety of colorful veggies; fresh fruits; whole grains; healthy fats (nuts, healthy oils, salmon, avocados); lean proteins; and herbs & spices like cinnamon, parsley, peppermint, cilantro (which aid the body with immune-boosting nutrients) are your best bet.


Probiotics are bacteria that fuel immune cells in the gastrointestinal tract. "Normal, healthy bacteria that colonize the GI tract help you resist bad bacteria and detoxify harmful substances," explains Susanna Cunningham-Rundles, Ph.D., a professor of immunology at Weill Medical College of Cornell University in New York City. Probiotics have also been shown to stimulate immune-cell production throughout the entire immune system. Check yogurt labels for live bacteria and probiotic formulas, or go straight for the keifir.
Chill Out
Stress, depression and loneliness are all emotional factors that can contribute to a weakened immune system function. Loneliness and depression have both been linked to elevated levels of cortisol, commonly recognized as a "stress hormone", which is already associated with increased stress levels, particularly chronic stress. These hormones create a mild-toxic effect on the immune system by slowing down production of the disease fighting blood cells, leaving you more susceptible to get sick.  You can care for yourself by taking frequent mini-breaks at work, looking at a pleasant picture, taking a relaxing bath or spending 20-30 minutes doing a quiet, single activity. When you feel stress levels elevating, try deep breathing techniques, turn on someupbeat music or think of a funny story - all great stress busters!
The average adult needs 7-8 hours of sleep, yet many are only getting 5-6. Sleep deprivation alone lowers the body's basic capacity to function and produce blood cells, and its psychological impact can create higher levels of stress and depression -and can trigger cravings for unhealthy foods. Sleep is the cornerstone of a healthy life, yet one we generally overlook. Be sure your sleep is quality by spending a few quiet minutes before bed relaxing. Turn off the TV, reduce noise, and turn off the lights to ensure a good night's rest.
There are many steps you can take to boost your immune system and stay healthy during cold season -- prevention is the best medicine, afterall.

Used for very their valuable healing properties and lack of harsh chemical reactions, herbs are plants or parts of plants that can help prevent and treat a variety of ailments, diseases, and illnesses -- even offer relief from joint pain or headaches. Herbs are also a great to optimize your overall health.  Even though most of America relies on modern medications and synthesized drugs, 75% of the World's population continues to use traditional medicines, many of which contain an herbal medicine component. Trends are changing in America as more people flock to these natural remedies. However, not all plants are friendly!

As harmless as they may seem, there is an overwhelming variety of herbs, and the hidden dangerous potential for side effects and detrimental drug interactions should be enough to warn people from taking herbs haphazardly. Always consult a physician or a certified herbalist and discuss other medications and health conditions, prior to taking anything not in its natural form. Herbalists are trained and have extensive knowledge on medicinal properties and the possible side effects of all herbal remedies.

There are some basic herbs you can feel safe about trying at home, just by adding them to your plate Foods like garlic and cranberries have curative and restorative properties that were once overlooked in favor of tradition medications. Even your spice rack, with cinnamon, basil, parsley and thyme has more restorative properties than you may have guessed! Here are some more examples of herbs that heal:
Echinacea, the poster child for healing herbs, is the most popular immune boosting herb in North America. It also works great against poison ivy.
Ginger:  Ginger soothes stomach ailments and is gentle enough to be used by newly pregnant moms experiencing morning sickness
Ginseng: relied on for reducing mental and emotional stress, and even fatigue, Ginseng also boosts immune function, resistance to infection, and supports the liver.
Licorice: Licorice is used internally for breathing ailments and coughs, and is commonly used in detoxification of the body, for its blood cleansing properties. Licorice also aids in digestion.
Thyme: A great anti-septic and anti-fungal treatment, Thyme can also control coughs and reduce spasms. Thyme is used in treating a variety of mouth-related infections, like gum disease.
Ylang Ylang: frequently used as a fever reducer and in the treatment of malaria, Ylang Ylang is also great to use on skin irritations and lowering blood pressure and reducing symptoms of PMS.
Go for fresh spices and ingredients rather than the freeze-dried spices to get the most out of your pantry.  Regardless of which herbs you choose, and for what purpose, you will find many herbs have multiple functions. and giving you a little more space in your medicine cabinet, and improved health and vitality - all from the bounty of the Earth! 


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Feeling Stress? Try this guided relaxation meditation video...

Let your mind go for 10 minutes, and let your body and mind feel the ease that it deserves. Click here to watch video.

Healing Cookies: Almond Raspberry Thumbprint Cookies


  • 2 cups whole wheat pastry flour
  • 1 cup ground almonds
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/3 cup safflower oil or canola oil
  • 1/3 cup orange juice
  • 1/3 cup maple syrup or fruit sweetener
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons almond extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla
  • Fresh raspberries, mashed


 Preheat oven to 350.

Combine flour, ground almonds, baking powder, and salt in a mixing bowl.  In a separate bowl, mix oil, juice, syrup, and extract together.
Add wet ingredients to dry and mix well.   Use a tablespoon to scoop dough and form into balls.

Flatten into circles and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Indent each cookie with your thumb and fill with 1/2 teaspoon of the raspberry preserves.
Bake for 15 minutes or until edges turn golden brown.
Recipe from

Rejuvenating Foot Scrub & Soak

Rejuvenating Foot Scrub

  • 2 tablespoons of unbleached sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of sweet almond oil
  • 15 fresh mint leaves (chopped)
Healing Foot Soak
Fill a large bowl or plastic bin, large enough for your feet, half way with warm water . Add 10 drops of peppermint essential oil and soak your feet for 10 minutes. When your feet are softened, remove them from the water and pat them gently dry. 
Slather your feet with the delicious scrub, firmly  enough to get the dead skin cells off. When you're done, dip them back in the water for a tingly fresh feeling, and pat dry. 


Why Alternative Medicines?
CAM, Complementary and Alternative Therapies, have steadily increased in popularity in North America. Statistics indicate that in 2007, nearly 40% of adults in the US rely on these treatments, according to the National Health Institute Survey conducted in 2007. In addition, approximately 12% of children use these therapies as well.

Complementary therapies range from massage, to acupuncture, to herbalism, and a whole host of other treatments, supplements, and health enhancements each with benefits, drawbacks and different strategies for improving and maintaining your health.

Today, many people turn to these treatments to avoid the harsh effects of the more chemically-reliant conventional healthcare system, and are frustrated by their options. For example, though research has shown us the effects of massage and aromatherapy and some herbal treatments, we find these treatments barely seeping into the healthcare system, and usually only as an additional recommendation. Few physicians will prescribe alternative treatments that are not conventionally accepted and pharmaceutically based - partially because of their training, the influence of drug companies, and the insurance companies.

In today's economy, it is increasingly frightening to be faced with medical bills. There is a large gap of uninsured whose healthcare regimen consists of hoping they don't get sick or injured. The advantages of alternative therapy in such situations are that it is affordable and incorporates preventative care. While you may not consider that to help you in the event that you get injured, consider this: By regularly seeing your massage therapist and chiropractor, you are maintaining limber, loose muscles and joints,  and are less likely to be sustain a serious injury, like a broken bone, in the event of an accident. The added benefits of seeking practitioner-based alternative treatments are that there is a tendency towards a holistic approach. By incorporating your mental wellbeing into the treatment, you will be more mentally focused and aware, and better able to avoid accidental injuries, feel less fatigue, and are less likely to suffer from depression or other psychological illnesses.

In many alternative therapies, the power is often put back into your hands, and usually includes simple lifestyle changes, and regular consultations - - and is mostly about lifestyle changes - which cost very little, and will save you big bucks in the long run!
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