There are several things that you can do to prepare for your Reiki session that will increase your comfort level, as well as the effectiveness of the healing session.  The basic premise behind this is mindful awareness of the experience that you are about to have.  Following these steps will also help your Reiki practitioner feel at ease and comfortable practicing with you.

To begin with, take a long relaxing shower the day of your treatment.  The hot, cleansing water will help refresh and relax you, both mentally and physically.  Avoid using any heavily scented products during or after your shower.  Wearing strong scents could later prove detrimental, as the smell might distract you or your practitioner during the Reiki treatment.  

Dress yourself in comfortable, loose fitting clothing.  Avoid wearing tight clothing, as they lessen your chances of relaxing fully.  Likewise, items such as short skirts should be avoided.  Whenever possible, wear shoes that are easy to remove, and dress in layers so that you can be dressed appropriately for the room's temperature.   Leave the jewelry at home on the day of your treatment- wedding bands are usually fine, but watches, bracelets and necklaces should be left someplace safe and out of the way.  Some practitioners believe that jewelry can interfere with energy flow, while others merely find it to be in the way.  

Be sure to arrive a few moments early for your appointment to avoid the stress of feeling late and being rushed.  Be sure to communicate with your practitioner.  Let them know what your preferences are (music, no music, dimmer lighting, etc) and alert them to any areas you would like them to work on.  This communication is also important during a Reiki treatment.  For example, if you started off your treatment very cold and were lying under a blanket, and later became very hot, it is far preferable that you simply let your practitioner know, rather than lying there under a blanket, sweating.

Each practitioner of Reiki is different, and may have their own specific guidelines for how they prefer their clients to prepare for a session.  The above is merely a general guideline.  Always follow the instructions of your practitioner.

Not only is Reiki completely safe for pregnant women, but it has proven to be highly beneficial to them as well.  Hartford Hospital, in Hartford, Connecticut, conducted tests that showed Reiki helped reduce anxiety (94%), nausea (80%), pain (78%) and improved sleep (86%) during pregnancy.  In fact, for some, Reiki is part of the entire process; from pre-pregnancy work, to helping a couple conceive, throughout the pregnancy, and then during and after birth.

During pregnancy, a woman's body goes through many changes, not all of them comfortable.  The body experiences aches and pains, and some women experience morning sickness in the first trimester, and swollen and sore joints in the third trimester.  The stress on the body can contribute to mental anxiety.  Because of the body-mind-spirit connection, these physical symptoms can also affect a person in other realms as well.  Using Reiki to restore the aura to a state of balance can often help with all three levels of self.

The use of Reiki during labor is a practice that is swiftly growing in popularity, and with good cause.  Reiki can be used to ease pain in the back and pelvic areas, while bringing a sense of peace and ease.  Delivery can be made substantially easier when the mother-to-be is able to focus her energy on the process, rather than on the pain.  There is even evidence that the use of Reiki during later pregnancies may prevent women who have previously had Cesarean surgeries from needing another c-section in order to give birth.

Kundalini Reiki is an offshoot of traditional Reiki and was pioneered by Ole Gabrielson.

First, let us define the basics:

Kundalini is life energy, often visualized as a serpent, residing in the base chakra.  A Kundalini awakening, also referred to as Kundalini rising, is an intense, and sometimes overwhelming experience in which a person's Kundalini energy rises up through the spine, through the chakra system, bringing awareness, openness and energy into a person.  This is accompanied by a myriad of physical, emotional, and spiritual experiences.

Reiki is a method of healing in which spiritual energy is channeled through a Reiki practitioner, healing the spirit and therefore the body, of the client.

The first thing you should know about Kundalini Reiki is that it does create a Kundalini awakening experience, but also, it helps to heal a person's spirit and calm the symptoms of an accidental or unacknowledged awakening.  An accidental awakening can result in a number of painful experiences, and without guidance, can be a very troubling experience.  Kundalini Reiki can bring peace and ease to a person while helping them to correctly align their energy, thus creating a powerful and positive experience.

Kundalini Reiki is less complex than traditional Reiki- there are no symbols or special hand positions.  In Kundalini Reiki, the practitioner places their hands on the shoulders of their client, and allows energy to flow down through their crown chakra, and out of their hands, into the body of the recipient.  This healing experience is like water flowing into the recipient- it will fill in any area that needs healing.  The channeling process usually take about five minutes, although the experience for the recipient can last up to an hour and a half.

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Stop and Breathe

Whenever you find that you have a spare moment-- waiting in line at the grocery store, sitting in traffic, wherever you might be -- take that time to breathe.  Start by checking in with your breathing.  Do not change the pace or depth of your breath, simply observe where you are.  Next, try the following breathing exercises:

  • Take a deep breath in and exhale.  Next, inhale normally, and exhale very slowly.  Repeat this for a few breaths.  Then, return to normal breathing and notice any changes that may have occurred.
  • Again, take a deep breath in and exhale.  Inhale slowly, and exhale normally.  Repeat this for a few breaths.  Return to natural breathing and take notice of any changes.
  • Finally, take a long, slow inhale holding at the height of your inhale, and then follow with a long slow exhale.  Repeat this for several breaths.  Before returning to normal breathing, pay attention to how your body feels. Do you feel any different than before you began the exercise?
These breathing exercises can help calm and center you; relieving stress and bringing you back to your body.  They can be performed at any time during the day.

Inspiring Quotes

"There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it."
-Edith Wharton
"All our efforts must tend towards light."
-Anonio Machado
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."
-Philo of Alexandria
"It is in changing that things find purpose."

Healing Crises
Most of the time, a Reiki session will result in the recipient feeling uplifted and at peace.  This is not always the case, however, as a Reiki session can also bring on a healing crisis.  A healing crisis occurs when a person experiences a release or shift in the body that releases stored toxins into the body.  These toxins, which have been held in the body, then enter the blood stream where they filter through the liver and kidneys before being expelled from the body.

When this happens, people may feel weak or jittery, or they may experience a headache or upset stomach.  The symptoms are usually similar to those that people experience when doing a full-system cleanse.  When this happens, it is important that the person takes good care of themselves, drinks plenty of water to stay hydrated, eats light healthy meals, and gets enough rest.  This is the body's way of cleansing itself, and it is a good sign that the body's healing process has been engaged.

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