With your busy schedule you don't always have time to sit down for a healthy, well-balanced meal. In fact, sometimes your best bet is a nutritious meal replacement you can grab on the go, and Shaklee's Cinch Shake Mix is the perfect choice. Available in vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and cafe latte, Cinch shakes are a delicious, satisfying meal packed with 24 grams of protein per serving, so you feel satisfied and energized.

Hunger, when combined with having no time for a healthy meal can often be your diet's recipe for disaster, but with Shaklee Cinch Shake Mix you get convenience and a creamy shake that only tastes indulgent. Mix two scoops of your favorite shake mix with one cup of low fat milk or soy milk and you're on your way to a protein and flavor packed meal on the go. Choose from a canister of shake mix or, for added convenience, individual serving size packets of shake mix. 

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What easier way to beautify your skin than while you sleep? That's the convenience you get when you use C+E Repair P.M. It nourishes your skin with vitamins C and E while it firms, softens, and boosts your skin's elasticity, so you wake in the morning to luminous skin that's visibly more youthful. It only takes a pearl-sized drop applied to your face after you tone and before you go to bed.

In a 27 day clinical study participants noticed their skin was:

*154% more firm and resilient
*199% less visible fine lines
*49% less apparent skin wrinkles

All of the participants enjoyed a more even skin tone in just 12 weeks.

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Whether it's Shaklee Dish Wash Automatic Concentrate, Hand Wash Concentrate, Fresh Laundry Liquid Concentrate, or any of the other Shaklee Concentrated products, you're getting the maximum amount of product and usability because it comes in a strong concentrated form. The products go further and last longer, so you get a higher quality product that dissolves more quickly and completely, so it can start doing its work.  You also waste fewer resources in terms of packaging.

Most popular household cleaning brands are not only full of harmful chemicals-- they've also been diluted so far down it takes much more of the product to accomplish what just a few teaspoons of a Shaklee product can do.  See for yourself:

  • Shaklee Dish Wash Automatic Concentrate requires: 2 tsp  while most dish washing detergents require: 16 tsp
  • Shaklee Soft Wash Concentrate (32 oz. bottle) is the laundry softening equivalent of 3 (64 oz.) bottles of Downy® Fabric Softener 

And, as always, all Shaklee concentrates are all natural, biodegradable, hypoallergenic and nontoxic.
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As the body's largest organ, do you really want to put chemicals on your face with names you can't even pronounce? They will, after all, absorb into your skin and your bloodstream. But Shaklee products deliver effective results naturally, and without the use of abrasive chemicals and irritants.

Whether you're concerned with fine lines and wrinkles, finding an all natural skin care product to cleanse and hydrate your skin, sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays, or all of the above, Shaklee's got you covered. Great looking skin means you can feel confident about putting your best face forward, and Shaklee has just the products you need to accomplish that.

Healthy skin is beautiful skin, and Shaklee products can help you feel great about the skin you're in. Shaklee understands that good nutrition isn't just limited to the foods you eat and drink... good nutrition also extends to your skin care regime. Take Nutrition Therapy Skincare, for example. Available in both normal/dry and normal/oily to accommodate all skin types, it's been formulated after 50 years of research to deliver the perfect combination of nutrients to produce clean, radiant skin. After just 28 days of using the skincare system for three minutes, twice a day your skin will be noticeably smoother, firmer, and lines and wrinkles will be less visible as your skin smoothes out. You won't believe how great your skin will look- and feel- in just 28 days with very minimal effort.

Regardless of the Shaklee skin care product or system you choose, you can feel good about nourishing your most visible- and arguably one of the most important- organs in your body with all natural products that beautify, protect, and nourish your skin.

Lisa Newton

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Lisa Newton, your Shaklee Independent Distributor


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What's a Paraben?
Paraben is one of a group of chemicals used as a preservative in various pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. These synthetically produced chemicals can cause dermatitis, rosacea, and other types of skin irritation in those with paraben allergies. Parabens were also found in human breast tumor tissue in a recent study conducted at the University of Reading, leading some to wonder if parabens applied topically around the arm (deodorant, lotion, etc.) could have migrated to breast tissue. Parabens are sometimes used as a food additive, but is most often found in the following common household products:
  • Shampoo
  • Toothpaste
  • Spray tanning solution
  • Personal lubricant
  • Lotion and other commercial moisturizer
  • Shaving gel

Most people do absorb, metabolize, and excrete paraben quickly out of their systems, but when it comes to your health, can you afford take chances?

Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

A person's carbon footprint is the effect their day-to-day activities have upon the environment.  The smaller your footprint, the less of a negative impact your lifestyle has upon the environment, and vice-versa. Here are some steps that will have you shrinking your carbon footprint in no time:

Transportation: Drive less, carpool, take public transportation, or- to help yourself and the environment- dust off that bike and start pedaling it around to places you normally would drive.

Waste management: Recycle as many items as you can, and don't use disposable plates, cups, or utensils in your kitchen. When copying and printing, print on both sides of the paper. Avoid printing out emails and other documents unless you absolutely need them. And after you've used both sides of a page, don't forget to put it in the recycle bin!

Energy: Set your thermostat a few degrees higher in the summer and a few degrees lower in the winter... you'll quickly adjust to it. Replace your standard light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs, and unplug appliances and other gadgets when you're not using them... even when they're in the "off" position they're still drawing electricity.

Whether you use all of the steps above, just a few of them, or research and act on some of your own ways to reduce your carbon footprint, do something! Every little bit helps...

Calculate your carbon footprint.

Dangerous Ingredients in Diet Products

Quick fixes like diet pills can be tempting, and sometimes even effective, but many products on the market today haven't yet been evaluated by the FDA. Some diet products containing "completely safe" ingredients are on the market for years before the FDA evaluates the products and finds they're harmful. The product ephedra, for example, was banned by the FDA in 2003 after a series of consumer health complaints and even a few deaths. Here is a list of common ingredients in diet pills and other products you should look out for so you can stay away from them:

Country Mallow or Heartleaf contains ephedrine, the same active ingredient in ephedra. The fact that it's an Ayurvedic herb has lulled some into a false sense of security, but it has the same potentially dangerous side effects as ephedra, including elevated blood pressure, heart rhythm problems, heart attacks, and, in some cases, even death.

Guarana can have much the same effects as consuming too much caffeine. Side effects can include difficulty sleeping, elevated blood pressure, rapid heart rate, and anxiety.

Bitter Orange contains an ingredient called synephrine that is very similar to ephedra. Bitter Orange can cause elevation in blood pressure and heart rhythm abnormalities, which makes it particularly dangerous for people with high blood pressure or heart disease. It can also harmfully interact with some types of antidepressants.

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