Family togetherness is something that gets emphasized often, usually in the form of family dinners or game night.  Instead of spending your time sitting around with your family, why not get up and go do something?  Family activities are a great way to bond with one another and you'll build relationships that are strong and healthy.  Having new experiences together can be more important in building relationships than just the act of spending time together.
Another benefit of choosing to be active together is that you can all get exercise together in way that is fun.  Once in awhile, instead of your regular trip to the gym, you'll be looking forward to your family's upcoming biking or kayaking trip.  This is also a great way to try new things, whether it is rock climbing or skiing, you can learn alongside your kids!  The more activity you do with your children, the more likely they will create life-long healthy habits for themselves, and they can encourage you to get up and go when you're feeling a little sluggish!

Pick age-appropriate activities for the whole family, or be prepared to cater to the needs of your younger children, whose endurance won't be quite the same as yours, and keep in mind that young children's recovery time is astonishingly quick.  Once your kids are old enough, encourage them to play active roles in the activity planning process, picking out the things they enjoy or would like to try.  Allowing them to help plan out trips and activities is also a good way to teach them planning and responsibility.  
If you've been enjoying a cozy winter,  and are concerned about losing a few inches before it's time to don your bathing suit once again, don't worry, you still have time!  Working out to lose inches requires knowledge about how the body works. Many people get frustrated when their workouts result in bulking rather than slimming, so follow the following steps to make sure you are targeting your workouts to find a sleeker, slimmer figure in time for summer.

1. Workout to burn calories. Do aerobic exercises that burn off more calories than you have consumed, to help the body burn off fat.  Within a workout, try alternating between aerobic and anaerobic exercises.

2. Strength train for endurance, not muscle mass.  Simply put, do more reps with lighter weights.  You can also do more exercises that utilize your own body weight for resistance instead of machine exercises designed to increase muscular bulk.

3. Change Your Diet. Cut out junk food, processed foods, and high fat foods. Eat more whole foods and drink plenty of water.

4. Think Sustainable. Make dietary changes and adapt workouts that you can continue over time, unless you plan on gaining the weight back after swimsuit season.

By now, you have seen countless articles promising you an easy way to flat abs, or seven exercises that will create flat abs in just three weeks.  The truth is that these are simply lies.  Yes, exercising your abdominals will help you to create flatter more toned stomach, but the key word here is "help."  In order to actually decrease the size of your abs you have to lose the fat that is covering them.  Here are some of the more basic principles behind the real way to lose inches and increase muscle tone:

Cardio workouts: in order to burn fat, you need to raise your heart rate for sustained periods of time.

Only work your abs in the direction you wish them to go: If you do crunches by forcing your abs out, you effectively train those muscles to protrude.  Instead, do exercises that focus on pulling your abs back toward your spine.

Work in all three directions: do a variety of ab exercises that bend you forward, laterally and diagonally (twisting).

Focus on posture: stand up straight and pull your abs in; bad posture can contribute heavily to a belly pooch.

Check your diet: if you are eating a lot of gas-producing foods or eating on the run (which causes most people to chew and swallow too quickly) some of the stomach bloat you notice may be the result of your body working to digest food or passing gas through the GI tract.  You should also avoid high-fat foods at all costs.

Lower your stress: studies have shown that the body, when under stress, stores more fat cells in the belly.  Avoid activities - such as smoking and not getting enough sleep - that increase cortisol in the body.

Work all your muscles:  your body is like a machine in which all components work together to perform.  You should never focus on strength-training only one muscle group.  For example, well developed back muscles are essential to strong abdominal muscles.

Achieving flat abs comes down to three things: getting plenty of cardiovascular exercise, doing full-body strength training that includes a variety of ab exercises, and adopting a healthy diet.

Everyone wants their children to grow up to be healthy and happy. As parents, it falls to you to encourage your children to develop healthy habits early in life that they can continue as adults.  In doing so, the focus should be how much fun healthy activities are, and how much better it feels to be active and eat properly.  Focusing on diets, weight, and appearance can lead children to develop unhealthy attitudes about their bodies and contribute to body image issues that may cause lasting psychological and wellness issues.
Children should start participating in activities at a young age. At two and three, the majority of the classes available are often geared toward parent participation as well.  Swimming lessons, for example, are conducted with an instructor leading the parents through a series of activities designed to let children have fun while they get used to being in the water.  By five, kids are ready to take classes on their own.  Look for classes that match their interests- if your child continually hangs upside down off the swing set, for example, a gymnastics class might be a good idea.  On the other hand, if they spend all their time running around the backyard and kicking pine cones, soccer might be a better bet.

Encourage your children's activities and allow them to pursue a variety. Having different kinds of physical activity will be helpful, and will create a more balanced body and mentality.  Don't push them further than they want to go with a sport, and if you sense that they are developing unhealthy attitudes, suggest that they step back and try something else.  Mix activity classes with at home activity- riding bikes through the neighborhood, playing baseball in the back yard, doing a morning yoga routine, etc.  This will help them learn that they can have an active life outside of scheduled classes.
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Banish Muscle Soreness

There are a number of ways you can keep sore muscles at bay, including:
  • Stretching before and after your workout
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Getting a massage or doing self massage
  • Soaking in a hot tub after working out

Five Ways to Boost Your Enjoyment of Working Out
If you have been wanting to ramp up your workouts but just aren't getting much enjoyment out of your gym time, then perhaps it is time you transferred your workout outside.  Being outside will do more than just add variety, spending time outdoors will noticeably lift your spirits.  While you certainly want to be sure to wear sunscreen and protect your skin, remember that sun exposure is your main, and most desirable, source of vitamin D, so you'll benefit just from stepping outside!
Group exercise is another great way to help you enjoy your exercise regime more.  Look for local hiking groups or walking clubs and start making a weekly or even monthly hike a part of your regular routine.  There are all kinds of recreation groups, from organized group bicycle rides, to tai chi practices in the park.  You'll meet new people and have new experiences, both of which are key to a vital and healthy life.

Relax After the Gym

After working out, it is important to take some time to relax and restore your body.  Even if you are trying to fit your workout into a busy schedule, chances are that you'll be able to find at least a few minutes after your workout to do a little aftercare.  At the end of each workout, spend a few minutes stretching and moving slowly to cool your body back down and lower your heart rate. 

When you've finished working out, make it a point to shower and dress in fresh clothing.  This will work wonders for bringing your energy back to its normal levels.  Have a snack after your workout- instantly available nutrients are the most desirable, and many people enjoy a cool, refreshing smoothie after a hard workout.

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