The screen of your Laptop takes up significant amount of power and you do not require its maximum brightness. You should have to check your system and decrease the screen brightness it to a comfortable point.

Stop your wireless signal when you are not using.

After turning off your Laptop can save max. 20 minutes of your laptop's battery time because WiFi can use a considerable quantity of power. By right clicking you can stop your WiFi signal when you are not using.

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If your aim is to be lively and robust in your 80s and 90s, you'll need to learn some anti-aging secrets. Here are some anti-aging tips that are the most frequently touted anti-aging techniques.

* Eat a diet low in fat, high in complex carbohydrates. The standard advice from the US government is to consume 5 fruits and vegetables and 3 servings of whole grains daily for vitamins and minerals and the other healthful micronutrients in plants. Drink five to eight 8-oz. glasses of water. Get no more than about 30-35 percent of daily calories from fat, with about 20 percent of that from unsaturated fat (e.g., 1 percent milk, olive and canola oil); 15 percent from protein; and the remaining calories from carbohydrates, with an emphasis on complex carbohydrates like oatmeal, whole wheat bread and wild rice.

* Build endurance and strength with exercise. Regular aerobic exercise is a "must-do" for anyone committed to slowing the aging process, agree experts. Hundreds of studies show that exercise combats the loss of stamina, muscle strength, balance, and bone density that increases with age. The American Heart Association advises doing a single set of eight to 15 repetitions, using eight to 10 exercises, two to three times a week for a comprehensive strength-building program. If you are not a beginner, that's about a 10-minute routine.

Food prices are in the news these days—and on everybody's mind. But rising food costs don't have to stop you from eating fresh, natural, lovingly raised food. In fact, by making a few changes in the way you shop and cook, you can soften the blow of rising food prices and make your meals even more delicious at the same time. What's the secret? Making the best use of both the food's time and your time.

Keep an eye on the calendar
Start with the food's time: The best way to save money on wonderful local produce is to follow the seasons. But there's a trick to this. Don't splurge on those first gorgeous ripe tomatoes. Everyone wants them, and the price is high. "Wait until the season's in full swing or even almost over, [then] buy in the glut," says Rose Prince, a British food writer who specializes in cooking high-quality food without busting the budget. With fall approaching, now's the time to look for bins of over-ripe peaches and big bags of dirt-cheap tomatoes that farmers are struggling to sell before the first freeze.

Techniques and Tips on how to do Push Ups


Techniques and Tips on how to do Sit Ups

In This Issue

Increase Your Laptop's Battery Life

Anti-Aging Secrets

Healthy Eating on a Budget

Strength Training Tips

Laughter is the Best Medicine!

Fun Facts

All polar bears are left handed.

Walt Disney was afraid of mice.

More money is spent on gardening than on any other hobby!

The average person will spend 2 weeks over their lifetime waiting for the traffic light to change.


How to Carve a Pumpkin

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Look for pumpkins with a sturdy stem, this is the sign of a healthy pumpkin. Don't lift the pumpkin by the stem, this can damage the pumpkin and make it age faster.

To preserve a pumpkin, put the pumpkin in a wash tub of cold water. If the pumpkin is carved, put the carved part face down. Let the pumpkin float, and let the insides fill with water. The pumpkin will absorb the water and become very firm.


It's Football Season: What to take to a Tailgate

People like hot and hearty food for tailgating — big pots of chili, a big stew, gumbo, goulash. It's also traditional to do things that are grilled, like steaks with different sauces or burgers (but it can be challenging to clean up a grill full of still-hot coals). We suggest that bring your favorite one-pot meal.

If you don't live too far from the football game, you can make something hot at home, like a big pot of chili or stew, and then dump it directly into a very clean cooler. If the food is very, very hot when it goes in, it will retain heat for hours. But if it is merely lukewarm, the food will hover at a dangerous temperature that fosters bacteria growth. Ladle up big bowls directly from the cooler.

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