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Radiance: Crown Chakra * Mary Yoga ENewsletter * December 2007 * Issue #24

Crown Chakra as Halo

Halos, pure light. Samadhi, bliss. Near-death recollections all agree on a lighted journey and the bright figures of love they encounter. Yoga means "Union" and includes a union of all science and religions into light or love. Saints emanate light so visible that painters draw halos, and at times they appear composed entirely of light. Our Crown Chakra at the very top of our head receives divine energy during meditation and prayer. It softens and opens to receive divine blessing "amrita" nectar dripping down through Crown Chakra into the brain and through the 6 energy centers or wheels in the spine. Psalm 23 sings "Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over" to describe this bliss. The "straight way" of the Lord is the spine, and the white "dove" of the Spirit that alights upon the Anointed One symbolizes the opening of the Crown Chakra to receive divine spiritual blessing.

The Sanskrit name for Crown Chakra "Sahasrara" means "Thousandfold". It pictures a thousand-petaled white lotus blossom on our head, our own radiant halo. "In my Father's house are many mansions," said One who shimmered as light, "I go there to prepare a place for you." He has prepared it, and we can each "go there" anytime, especially during this season of quiet attendance on light, love, and awakening. Our own white lotus radiates a thousandfold whenever we join this quiet union.

Studies report a dramatic decline in violence when one percent of the population is meditating. Could the multiplied radiance of Sahasrara transform your community? Would you be in that one percent?

1% For Peace: Prayer & Meditation


February Beach Sale!

Plus rainforests and waterfalls! Yoga and Nature! Tropical sunshine on your warmed, stretched muscles! What a combination. Feb. 16-23, St. Lucia, Caribbean: Daily brunch, welcome dinner, Friday night beach fish fry party, two day-trips, 7 days of Yoga, at 3 levels. Pool, beach, ferry ride, town, more activities, or just relax! Rooms limited, so reserve now!

New Year's Specials: $100 Discount! $150 each if you bring a friend! Teachers, bring students for "friend" discounts; also ask me about discounts for assisting.

Register online and Trish, my retreat partner, will call within 24 hours to confirm pricing and arrange payment. Specials will be applied at that time.

Retreat: Email Mary re. Specials


Yoga Housecalls Team!

One-to-one Yoga teaching is the tradition in India for 5,000 years. Today, private Yoga in your home offers the personalized "sadhana" practice, without the caves.

Let me choose the perfect private teacher for your practice, or for someone you would like to give one or more sessions to. My talented professional teachers have a delicious range of specialties and availability for the perfect fit for you, your friend or loved one.

Check out my Yoga Housecalls page on my website!

Yoga Housecalls


GoodShop Success Stories

From October 2007's GoodSearch update:

*A $7,100 purchase placed at Giaiam.com resulted in a $284 donation to the Motion Mania Dance Theater in Gaithersburg, Maryland;
*A $432 purchase at online shoe store Zappos.com earned $26 for the Berkshire Humane Society;
*A $4,700 order was placed at Adobe Software, earning Capri Elementary School in California $191;

Choose your charity and the more you search or shop the more they'll receive.

GoodShop and GoodSearch

In This Issue:

Crown Chakra as Halo
February Beach Sale!
Yoga Housecalls Team!
GoodShop Success Stories
Photo credits
Sahasrara ENews #7
Sahasrara ENews #17
Christian Yoga
Please Forward

Photo credits

Photo thanks for this ENews issue go to: Doug O'Neill (above), Karen Lee, Trish Perkins, Charles Lee, me.

Mary's Web Site


Sahasrara ENews #7

Summer Sahasrara Issue #7 July 2006: Mantra, Yantra, & Tantra for Crown Chakra.

ENews #7 July '06 - Crown Chakra Issue


Sahasrara ENews #17

May 2007 Mother's Day Sahasrara issue. Above: 3 moms who met through their kids.

ENews #17: May '07 Mother's Day & Crown Chakra


Christian Yoga

Paramahansa Yogananda proclaimed the unity of Yoga and Christianity.

My teacher Alan Finger says Yoga as a spiritual technology supports all truth paths.

I agree, and Yoga has always fed my faith. But for many, Christian Yoga offers a devotional "Bhakti" element which they felt elusive in their practice, or at any rate greatly deepened.

As Yoga expands, and along with it fusion styles including faith-specific Yoga, do be always aware and remember the goal is ultimately still Union, and never division.

Three DVDs to try (links below): Yoga Prayer, Christoga, Wholly Fit

Christians Practicing Yoga Site


Please Forward

Please respond and/or forward to a friend. Your email privacy is safe.

Shanti and have a blessed and holy Christmas, Chanukah, Winter Solstice.

Namaste, Mary

Mary's Website

Yoga Works East Side-Fri morn Level 1

NY Health & Racquet-23rd St. Tues 1pm Vinyasa

Ishta Site-see my Urdhva Dhanurasana pic!

RETREAT~Register Now

Yoga Prayer DVD: Fr. Tom Ryan

Christoga DVD: Janine Turner

Wholly Fit DVD

• • • •

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