1/19/08, 2 
11:11 – Piano Meditations for Awakening

The 11:11 CD is now available!!! Click on the "LISTEN" button to hear "Meditation 11."

I'll be introducing this album to retailers next weekend at the INATS trade show in Orlando. For those of you who will be at the show, you can find me at the New Leaf Booth.
Here's the cover art:

and listen to "Meditation 12" ...

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The Camelot Musical continues...
The two songs presented this month are from the beginning of the musical. Morgaine has discovered the bodies of Arthur and Mordred at the end of Camelot's final battle and sings of taking responsibility for nurturing the Dream that they had all shared. Lancelot meets her and sings of his passion to follow the quest to create Camelot anew.

Here is Lancelot's song, "What Could Have Been Can Be Again," sung by RegJamyl V. Mullins. Piano by myself.

As Morgaine guides the funeral barge of Arthur and Mordred back to Avalon, Arthur's soul sings of letting go of the story of his life so a new life can be born.

"Unravelling" is sung by Goeff Cox, with a chorus of RegJamyl V. Mullins, Richard Shulman, Jennifer Nash and Breazy Breazeale. The accompaniment is a MIDI (synthesizer) rendering of the orchestral arrangement.
Link for upcoming performances:
Here is a link to my performance schedule.

Blessings for a year of Grace!
May your year unfold as a blessing to you and all you touch!

Love and Light,
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