3/23/08, 2 |
Musical Soul Portraits at the Coptic International Conference
If music is my river, one of the strongest currents is what I call a Musical Soul Portrait. This is a process in which I sit down with an individual, a couple, a family or group and ask for music for the Highest Good for them. Then I perform and record the music I hear inside, and provide a CD of the music for the listener(s).
I'll be offering Musical Soul Portraits at the Coptic Fellowship International Conference in Johnson City, TN on the weekend of April 12th. Call Peggy Fitzgerald at 423-477-3339 to schedule your session.
More info about Musical Soul Portraits is available at the link below.
For info about the conference click on "Tickets." Click on the "Listen" button to hear a Musical Soul Portrait which I did for the listeners of the radio audience for "Conversations with Friends" on KAOI Radio in Maui, Hawaii, hosted by Jim Jacobson on 6/19/07
More music from the 11:11 CD
Here's "Meditation 7" ... This sweet theme returns at the very end of the album...
This link will take you to more info about the 11:11 CD including some reviews....
Happy Spring Equinox, Easter, Passover and New Beginnings
Blessings at this time of new awakenings.
Here's a track from Keeper of the Holy Grail which feels like Springtime to me!
"Sacred Core"
Link for upcoming performances:
There are a few featured performances coming up in the Asheville NC, area in the next month.
Here is a link to my performance schedule.
May the Inner Light of Love...
that is the very nature of you and all of us, reveal itself to you bringing unimaginable joy to you and all you are connected with!
Love and Light,
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