Feature Friday:  The New RSS to Newsletter Feature

Ladies and gentleman (and search engines) I present to you now:  MyNewsletterBuilder’s RSS to Newsletter Feature!  It is now possible - and quite easy - to send out newsletters automatically via your RSS feed.  Any content in your feed will be collected, formatted to the layout of your choosing, and sent to your readers on a regular schedule. 

Who this feature works for: Generating newsletters from an RSS feed will benefit anybody producing content on a regular basis. If you keep a blog, chances are strong that the RSS feed is built in and regular updates are already in progress. 

How RSS to Newsletter works:  It seems like magic, but really it’s quite simple.  After enabling the RSS feature, you’ll create a layout and theme that each feed will use.  You’ll set the frequency with which you want your RSS feed newsletters to be sent out, and you’re good to go. Of course, you’ll want to schedule a few trial runs to make sure everything looks the way you intend before you start sending to your list.  You can find the full explanation on converting your RSS feed to newsletters in MNB’s Knowledge Base.

Why use an RSS to Newsletter feature:  Why automate a process that creates a broader audience for one’s content? Doing so saves time and energy; once you’ve created the template for your RSS newsletters, you’ll only have to input the content in one place it will automatically be distributed.  This also allows for a broader audience for your content.  Perhaps you have email subscribers who aren’t reading your blog.  No problem - the blog will come to them in a familiar, easy-to-read formula.