Making the Scene

Here’s some old news for you: In order to be worth anything, your content has to actually be seen.

What is your plan for visibility in 2014?

As we look at an increasingly mobile, social world, it’s important to have a game plan under your belt for ensuring that your marketing works the way it is supposed to. 

Social Media
It’s all over if you don’t have a social media presence. In order to make the scene, you’ve got to be there. Get tweeting, pinning, and liking pronto, if you aren’t already. Integrate your social media presence with your website by regularly sharing links between them. Be sure your email newsletter shows up there too- a little self promotion amongst solid content is a good thing.

Talk to People like a Human
Find some communities, online and offline, where you can have actual relevant conversations. Be a human, not a marketer.  Build connections and learn from others. Discuss the work of others, and if you do share your own work, be open and curious about what other people have to say about it. A great way to do that is to invite conversation about how other people have handled similar situations or to ask what others would add.

Be Bold
Be willing to take some risks. Playing it safe won’t always work. In order to be noticed, you’ll need to bravely charge ahead of your industry. Be willing to share some of your more “out-there” ideas or try something new and untested. Even if all you have to report back is “well, that didn’t work, and here’s why,” you will have broken with the pack and increased your chance of being seen.