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Mary Aranas Yoga
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Dive deep, into strength training, inversions, & partner acrobatics, in the NYC AcroYoga Solar Immersion starting this WEEKEND, for 5 days from 8/31-9/4, with weekend drop-in options! With Chris Loebsack & Matt Giordano. Pre-Requisites are listed on Event page. Email me for a 10% discount code! 
Sept 21 Restorative
Soak up some Restorative Sweetness with me this September. Receive two hours of luxurious, chakra-tuning pampering, with me and my loving assistants, and bring home an Aromatherapy gift.  All levels, all ages are invited to enjoy. Save your spot & your gift!  At Pure Yoga Eastside, NYC
UTAH! AcroYoga 
Utah has soaring views, gorgeous skies; Sept 28-Oct 2, it has me! Come on out for a voyage to a 5-day (or weekend) Salt Lake City AcroYoga Elemental Immersion!  I encourage you to take 2-3 days extra to taste the outdoors!  Hit me for extended deadline pre-registration discounts!
Restorative Training 
Are you seeking to deepen your Restorative practice or to learn to teach it to others? 

My Level 1 Mother Mary Restorative Teacher Training Weekend, Oct. 25-27, offers you the tools ~ with an optional Thai & Fly segment! At Om Factory NYC
Ommmmama mary ....
Mary Yoga ENews ~ Aug. 2013
Explorers' Bliss  ~  Issue #92
"Life IS for Bloopers!"
"Adventure is worthwhile in itself!"  So said this inspiring heroine of action.  So yes, she did vanish.  So, who among us will not?
"The more one does and sees and feels, the more one is able to do, and the more genuine may be one's appreciation of fundamental things like home, and love, and understanding companionship."
Can you tell this issue will be about taking action, and living your life?
"The most effective way to do it, is to do it." 
“Courage is the price that
Life exacts for granting peace,
The soul that knows it not, knows no release,
From little things;
Knows not the livid loneliness of fear
Nor mountain heights where bitter joy can hear The sound of wings.”
~ Amelia Earhart
When I explore Power Chakra with students, we affirm:  "I have the Right to Act."  And then I  often add,  "~ and Pay the Price."
Because ~ it is in that juicy last bit that we truly find our liberation and power!  In taking our chosen actions, and being responsible for the consequences, we write ourselves a life that is fulfilling ~ and that contains bloopers!  Haircuts, interviews, fights, accidents, speeches, oh, yes ~ a myriad of scenes we'd like to take back and exchange!
I don't know about you, but it seems to me all my suffering is over past events I'd like to change, or future events I'd like to control.  Can we perhaps relax and enjoy the outtakes, as well as the grand movie scenes?  Can we make our best choices, yes, our best mistakes, and trust that they are our vehicle for learning?  And then sit back, butter the popcorn, and take pleasure in the learning path?  Like yes, oh yes, this life IS for bloopers, that is why we are here?  Great relief, no?  The Gods must be laughing.  And smiling.  And . . . applauding. 
"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward."
~ A.Earhart
Photo Thanks; Privacy; Forward
Thanks for photos this issue: Kristina Cubrilo and Michelle Velasquez for Om Factory Restorative photo; Tim Lewis for Utah AcroYoga; Karen Fuchs for Hand to Hand with Matt Giordano; Google Images for Amelia Earhart; Rincon fellow cave explorer for Windows Cave silhouette; Wari Om for Handstand on wall.
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Webpage: Teaching Schedule
These featured events are in addition to my weekly ongoing classes: Yoga at Pure Yoga, and AcroYoga at Om Factory NYC.
A quick click to my webpage will always show you my latest schedule, including additional AcroYoga classes I'm subbing, and my Nov/Dec Slackline Series at Brooklyn Boulders! 
Happy Labor Day Weekend!  ~ Mary
Mary Aranas Yoga  •  310 Lexington Avenue  •  NY, NY 10016 *
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