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All Inspiration - All You!
The Adventure Begins.
Dear Hearts, Enjoy this issue of inspiration and immediate actions to take. This is a powerful time on the planet. Living Free can happen naturally.
Enjoy as you work with these mini lessons below. Use these quotes in your meditations, and allow them to go deeper and assist you to align with you and perfect health.
May this offering be a support, and may you always know how blessed you are.
Always find fun as an important focus on your journey.
Love and DeLight, Janet StraightArrow                                    See Coupon and Special Offer Below.
In this issue:

“Health is our Nature. Health is our Wealth. Zero Tolerance
for Anything Else.” Janet StraightArrow


The first thing I noticed, as a new energy healer over twenty years ago, was how clients were not fully focused on being healed. One moment they would speak one hundred percent in the direction of what healing they wanted to accomplish in our session, and in the next breath they would speak against their healing. This has been a key to my research on healing ever since.

Healing means to become whole. To be whole we must erase doubt and fear, and focus on perfect health. We are the healers of us, we direct the state of our being. When we go back and forth, our body/being is thrown back and forth and up and down like a see saw, and is blocked from the full possibility of healing. Finding balance and aligning with health and us is needed, so that healing can occur.
Our body is always working in the direction of health and healing. Its for us to get on board with our part. Healing mind, emotions, body, soul and spirit, means to align with our perfect blueprint of all aspects and the combined wholeness of us.
The Be The Medicine and accomplish healthy body, mind, spirit and emotions, we must stop fighting for disease, and align with us as a healthy person every day.


As a fifteen year old in 1967, who was chronically ill and in pain, I was given a dire diagnosis. I was devastated to be told by our family doctor that I would have a very short life of deteriorating illness and pain.
In that moment I woke up as if in a dream, and began a new life plan. I saw the illness in my family, and my own that I lived with, and the focus on disease, and did not believe it had to be.

I shifted out of that reality, and had a radical belief that we did not have to be sick or in pain, and began a difficult and wonder filled journey to wholeness and health. Fueled by a desire and belief for complete health, I continued to ask questions and find answers on each step.
It has been a magical mystery tour, led by my desire to find truth, wisdom, peace and happiness along with health. As humans, to me, it was not logical for us to be living in so much turmoil and fear. The rules of the world made no sense, I questioned everything as I kept uncovering higher laws that did.

I chose health, and I continue to choose it everyday. When I have an imbalance, problem, pain or symptom, I immediately look at me; my thoughts and attitude, my nutrition, and how I am living in or out of sync with me, and make the needed corrections.
I have been living this, and studying deeper understanding and solutions on healing and whole living with traditions around the world, for forty-eight years with exciting results.
This journey and life has been like a puzzle being put together piece by piece. Each phase or study gave me several pieces and many blended to make the picture more whole. Still more pieces filled as I continued to learn. I would find amazing healing truths and then amassing component would send me questioning again as I continued to walk.
This path and teachings come from deep experience, research, and ongoing practice with many thousands of people along the way. Deeply experiential this path and adventure teaches you to live the answers everyday.
I found that teaching is my gift and passion, as I live my mission and purpose, and great love shared with you.


Overcoming the hypnotism of the culture is important. We live in a society of hopelessness and fear when it comes to our body and life.
There is abundant information as to how to heal, and yet many fall prey to avoiding exactly what will help. Why continues to be my question as answers continue to unfold.

I found this to be pretty typical over the years, because as a culture, we do not believe healing is really possible. We are used to pills as placebos that do not work, and we expect partial healing if anything at all.

Healing is only possible if we change the lifestyle, beliefs, and fears that created disease and pain. If we stop throwing medicines at our body, and instead educate us on true healing, and how to accomplish this, we have a chance to heal and be free.

Modern medicine practice does not believe in healing. Insurance companies and AMA focus on keeping us in disease as normal The normal cycles of our life,like menopause are deemed disease. Instead of working with our natural changes and helping to bring balance we are seen as broken.
The over use of intervention beyond what is supporting health and life creates more dis-ease and encourages us to break down from chemicals. Avoiding what works and living in pain and suffering is not necessary, nor is dying before our time.
Instead of health as focus, modern medicine uses band-aids, and empower doubt, because methods used, do not return the patient to their wholeness. There are many missing pieces that are not addressed, and called superstition instead of looking at true value. They have not been willing to look at may things beyond their training, beliefs and scope, to accomplish complete healing.
There is a trend for integrative medicine. This is a very good beginning and yet unless we change our mindset, and beliefs on wellness and disease we are still creating more illness and fear.

There is good purpose for modern medicine; used with awareness and responsibility in concert with the focus on health, there will be less disease, pain, depression and toxic chemicals, and more healthy avenues for all. The medical costs and abuses of the industry are fed by the fears of the masses that support it. A real focus on health care is needed by all. Begin with you.

By working with the responsibility and knowledge of our body/being, we are good healers of us. Medical and other health care practitioners can only fully help us, when we are working in alignment with wholeness, and with our higher intelligence of us.

Our true nature is perfect health. When we focus on allowing this with no doubt, we open a pathway to allow the body/being to do what it does naturally, heal itself.

When we focus on fear and disease we manifest these. When we focus on health, our body is grateful for the support, and all of our energy focused on healing us, to become whole again. When we are in sync with us, we relax and notice a difference immediately.


Be your own advocate. The way to heal is to choose it and live it each day. Instead of believing that there is no hope, get back into the drivers seat of your life. Stop being hopeless, and find the truth in you, and make choices from here.

We are magnificent beings capable of great things, beginning with the care and feeding of our beautiful bodies and mind. Blend your mind and actions together to advocate for you everyday in every way. This is the greatest secret of healing.

Listen to your body, and make the changes you need to allow the healing to occur. Invest in you, go beyond what you have been told, and be curious in learning how to heal. The best medicine is, aligning with your best results, and continuing to live this path to completion.

When we learn to access doctors and medicine with awareness and choice as dictated by our highest intelligence and ability, we will know when surgery or chemical medicines are what we need, and we will know how to work with more natural ways of living and healing too.

This is a natural skill that can be developed with practice and surety. As we let go of fear, our nature as healers of us unfold and appear.

Chose health with every thought and breath and live your best life today and everyday.

Enjoy the Journey,

Janet StraightArrow

Be The Medicine, Live the Power of You!

Call today for support on this journey to you. Janet Straightarrow has been a teacher, healer, coach and spiritual mentor for people of all ages and walks of life for over three decades. Walking the walk continues as we explore and journey together.
With Practical Wisdom and Profound Healing, StraightArrow’s experience and insights to all levels of health and how to return to our nature of our being, mind, body, spirit, emotions and soul, gives you solutions and hope and actions to take immediately.
As Janet guides you to the subtle and larger ways that you can change, she assists you to go forward and live it everyday. You receive an immediate experience and results as you participate in your own healing and learn how to continue on your own.

Awaken your innate healing and knowing power, and learn how to help you, and others too. Janet has studied healing and empowered living for 48 years, and brings the best to you in each class and private session. Hiring this healer, teacher and health coach focused on bringing people back to their wholeness, you will be amazed at how easy it is when you know how.

Skype, phone or in person experiences can be recorded so you can continue the learning, tools and practices on your own. Learn how to come back to wholeness, and be your own advocate each day. In Joy! Email Janet Direct 973-647-2500 Blog and new website Original Website with Calendar
Current class schedule in 6 locations and 5 States.  Testimonials on working with Janet
We Begin with Loving Us
"GOOD MORNING GORGEOUS. Wake up in the morning, and look in the mirror at that bright light of creation, you, and say, "Good Morning Gorgeous!" Offer appreciation and beauty for the gift of the life we are. Resist the opposite reaction, the one we have been trained to put on us to keep us down. We are not sinners, we are stars. Appreciating the beauty in all is one of our attributes as humans.
Self Love and Value is the first key to Healing.
We are naturally all one, and see the world in our own image. When we see the beauty and perfection in us, the world, and all of her people are seen as amazing gifts of grace too. We see the best and we navigate life in a powerful way, and accomplish everything, with peace, joy, wisdom, health and love. Go for it and see how it works for you. In Joy!" Janet StraightArrow Be The Medicine
Breaking Habits Finding Solutions
"FIRST MIDDLE AND LAST STEPS IN HEALING US. Breaking the habit of negative, fearful thoughts and words allows positive supportive energy focused to realign our life to itself.
When we continue to engage in fear and judgment, blame and the worst that can happen-we become that reality and break down in many ways.
Mental and physical illness can be reversed as we reverse our focus and thoughts to a loving, peaceful and supportive reality. This is very subtle and requires awareness and choice with each breath. Imagine the best and become who you are." Janet StraightArrow Be The Medicine Awaken To Be Free
Change is not an Option 
"ITS ALL IN OUR FACE NOW" One of the things I have been noting, is how many people are facing things that we can not ignore anymore. Denial, illusion, making things okay that are not, health, relationships, and all manner of self issues are being seen in such powerful ways that Must be acted on.
Things - people and situations that we tolerated are no longer tolerable and that is very good.
It may be very uncomfortable, and yet what a gift to see where there were blinders causing all manner of pain underneath. Only when we know what has been occurring, are we able to make healthy change.
To laugh and love yourself through this is key.
There is no more room under the rug, just truth and love. Be Gentle and Kind to others and you. This is our journey of awakening and being free to be. Group Hug!" Janet StraightArrow Be The Medicine
Step By Step, Inch by Inch
"THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE JOURNEY. Each step has value and meaning. There are no unimportant steps as each one takes us to the next. There is no end to the journey, this is our life. To stay awake, and appreciate each step is the key. Its all wild and wonderful, challenging and enlightening. Never a dull moment even in the still of the night, or a meditation. Life is Grand!"Janet StraightArrow BeTheMedicine
Free to Be Naturally
Truth is never anxious, angry, hurting, emotional, judging, excusing or reasoning things out-this is ego. Truth is knowing, acceptance, love, peace, joy and wisdom, this is the Universal or Spiritual truth, and what all life is built on. As we drop the suffering of the mind and emotions, we find the truth and are free to be effortlessly." Janet StraightArrow Be The Medicine
At The Crossroads
"BETWIXT AND BETWEEN. When we cannot go full steam ahead, its a great time to sit with what is, and see what new directions appear. To be, instead of do, can be the most radical action of all." Janet StraightArrow Be The Medicine
"THERE IS ALWAYS ENOUGH. The belief in lack is a human superstition.The Universal provides for all of our needs always. When we awaken to receiving, it is always beautiful how we are taken care of. It may not be how we think want it, and yet it is always so surprising at how perfect it is in how it is given. Let go of fear and receive all that is provided for you. Sometimes we need to ask and other times just open your hands." Janet StraightArrow Be The Medicine
Making the Ego Work for Us.
"APPRECIATING THE EGO. Without the ego we would be like a a jelly fish. Our ego is not bad, our ego is what gives us form and power as humans, and helps us survive and thrive. Retraining our ego to work in our best interest is the practice. A strong ego knows who we are, and what is best for us, and stands for this truth. Its the ego that plays bad guy or poor me or manipulates us and others that must be excused and released, as we find the true us, who plays no games and knows and acts for us." Janet StraightArrow Be The Medicine StraightArrow OutOfTheBox Coaching
Trusting Us
That still small voice in our head is the one of wisdom and truth, it is the one that knows beyond our conscious mind into our infinite mind.
We may not know why we feel guided to do or say or live what this gentle voice says. it never hurts, it always directs us to what is best for us.
As we follow this inner knowing, we become the brilliant people we are. Lets stop ignoring the wise one that is always us, and always true. As we let go of judgment, fear, doubt and blame, we can trust this one as us, and take charge of our life again." Janet StraightArrow Be The Medicine StraightArrow OutOfTheBox Coaching
The Ultimate Journey
"SURRENDER. Surrender is the journey to oneness and wholeness and joy. We have no idea where we are going, we just follow our heart and soul. It is a path of courage, strength and wisdom. We gain these as we walk. The mind cannot conceive it. The ego will not believe it. Its all about allowing the flow, like water finding its path down the river. Eventually we come to the origination, and end of the water, and us. Walk the Walk with Joy!" Janet StraightArrow Be The Medicine
Special Offer 
Prepaid Discounts on Single or Multiple Sessions.
Come out of the Cold and Warm Up.
Awaken Heart and Soul and Live Free to Be Naturally.
Call Janet Straightarrow Today 973-647-2500
Free Health Care
"FREE HEALTH CARE. Healing and living health is always a matter of self-care and wisdom in how we live our life and treat our body, mind and spirit. As Medical Costs are rising, and quality of life is falling, it is the best time to return to health as a focus and take care of us and our loved ones.                                
Eat healthy, love you and others, find happiness, take time to listen to what your body-self-needs and care for it, live your truth, rest when tired, drink plenty of water and healthy drinks, move, exercise, dance, sing and celebrate life each day, if your life does not work for you change it. All dis-ease comes from not living aligned with us. We are innately Perfect Health. Find your way back to the true you. No other medicine will do this." Janet StraightArrow Be The Medicine
Be The Medicine  •  18 Bank Street  •  Morristown, NJ 07960
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