Say What You Mean

You don’t need big words to get your point across. In fact, utilizing an excessive and unnecessary collection of multisyllabic words (an inordinate amount of verbiage, that is) can confuse and annoy the reader.  You don’t want to sound condescending and they don’t want to wade through all those words to find out what your point is.  Be clear, be precise.

Use positive phrasing to discuss upcoming changes. Look forwards, not backwards. You’ve never seen a car commercial that said “gosh, those 2010 models really were clunkers but now we’ve fixed most of the big issues.  Buy a 2011 model and stop embarrassing yourself!” What you will see is one that says something like “The 2011 model is the most aerodynamic vehicle of its class. WIth all these amazing new features you’ll be looking for an excuse to drive more often.”  Walk forward with confidence.  Tell your audience about the great new ideas, services and products you have.

Consciously choose your approach to discussing an issue. PR and marketing are all about the approach, so take notes from their techniques.  Not only do you want to have a strong sense of how you will present and discuss a topic, but you want to present a united front with all others involved.

Admit mistakes but don’t lay blame if you want to recover quickly from a blunder. Taking personal responsibility is a sign of good character; laying blame is just ugly. Issue the apology due with assurances that the issue is being taken care of and then get right back to that positive phrasing!