A Gust of Green

Green Graffiti and the Letter G

Germinating Genuine Genius

August Greetings ,

an apparent quest to befuddle you with my selection of newsletter themes, this issue is brought to you by ... the letter G.

Actually befuddle is really not my intention.. I just like the word befuddle.
August is the only month with a G in it… so why not have G as a theme? 

This e-zine has a mission to orginality so to look and sound like other newsletters would be to break the Code of Muses (COM) - an infraction resulting in plum stains.  Guided, am I, therefore, whatnot, so-be-it, by the need to defy conformity for ingenuity, uniqueness and the occasional gaffaw. I urge to do the same. Grab a creative prompt or two below and go for it. Giddy-up. OR if this e-zine seems overwhelming, simply Get-over-it. :) Gently.

Or join me in my Full Moon Meditation free teleconference this coming Thursday, August 6, where I will shareThe Effect that Meditation has on Creative Fluency. A tool without which I am lost, unbalanced, and befuddled.

You will experience an imaginative guided imagery and understand the power of meditation to unleash your intuitive genius. There will also be a mini-coaching session with someone and me during the call. Sign-up here.

What's G?
It's green, gray, and gamboge.
It's the game and the glory. Guaranteed.
It's golden gratitude.
G is genius, galaxy, and gardens,
Grander, greater, gentler.
It's glamour
and sometimes it's garbled.
G glows, glitters, and glides.
G is a glass of gin,
a sideways glance, a gesture of goodwill.
G has germs.
G begets gibberish, a gnome ranger, and a garage sale.
G is a gift to give, and sometimes get.
When G is gone, H comes in and says Hi.


Go back three spaces and click on the gibberish link if you didn't. You'll like it if you have a quirky sense of humor. Otherwise, it might be a little befuddling.


liberate your creativity

Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Training Coming Up

The next Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Certification Training runs from August 26 to November 12, 2009    more information here

KMCC has trained and certified creativity coaches since 2004. Come join us and experience a transformation in yourself as well as a new stream of joy and income. Our KMC3 association supports you beyond the training.

New Daytime Section: I am blessed to have students this training from New Zealand, Tokyo, the UK and Hawaii. However, this makes scheduling a class that works for everyone is a challenge. Therefore a new time section has opened and to celebrate Global Expansion there is a $100 discount for those who sign up before August 15th, 2009. Classes are Wednesdays 5 pm pacific time, and a new section is opened for Tuesdays, 10 am pacific time. 

The KMCC model uses tools such as specially designed guided imageries, mind-sculpting, creative priniciples in the guise of Muses, and new perspectives of thought and compassion. Our hallmark is creating new habits through gentle small steps and play. The August 6th call is an opportunity to test-drive KMCC tools. Or listen to last month's call.

The KMCC training takes place through teleconferences in comfort of your home and active involvement in a rich, Internet community; observations of coaching sessions with Jill, inspiring reading, and practice coaching with classmates.  You will bond with your own tribe and be supported in a personalized way by Jill Badonsky to discover a new level of your creative self as well as experience the 10 tools that have helped thousands unlock a creative life. Taught by Jill Badonsky with UCLA psycologist, Robert Maurer. More information both here and here and if that's not enough, consult your intuition.

A testimonial for KMCC from Chris Dunmire, the creative genius behind the Creativity-Portal.

To be matched up with a KMCC coach email me at jillbadonsky@hotmail.com.
KMCC students are looking for clients at a discounted rate. Email me for more information.

Visit our KMCC coaches at www.kaizenmuse.com

August Crop from The Awe-manac

14 Gs

1. Al Green: flash to the past 
2. Geography: Download Google Earth and visit the world without leaving your futon.
3. Graphic Poetry: http://www.graphicpoetry.net/eclipse.htm
4. Glasgow’s Leading Contemporary Art Gallery: 
5. Garage Art: http://www.panoramio.com/photo/2089979
6. G Book Titles Reviewed:
Gods Behaving Badly
Garlic and Sapphires
7. Gift:
You can begin The Awe-manac anytime of year. Or stock up on some for early holiday gift. Purchase an autographed copy that comes with two Muse-Powered Pens for only $27.45 including postage and handling here.

8. Gala:
Birthday Celebrations on Aug. 5 to: Neil Armstrong, first man to walk on the moon. Write about: the moon walking on you, taking the moon for a walk, being a moon shadow.  Use the moon as a subject for your art.. or walk under it when it's full this month on August 6.
9. G Words:
Can you write a poem or short piece of prose that's mostly consists of words beginning with the letter G? Or use this list (with added words that begin with any letter):
graffiti, grand, giddy, guide, get, go-between, gather, garish, gap, garbage can, ghost, gig, gladiola
10. Grocery:
Write about an aisle in, an encounter in, or a commentary about a Grocery Store, an encounter or write an acronym for GROCERY. Do a creative photo essay limiting yourself to a grocery store.
11. Get a Grip on One Word:

12. G-Force go here

13. Gray Matter and White Noise... in a Can.

14. Garden and Houses


Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach Spotlight: Marta Luzim

Artist, novelist, poet, playwright, healer, psychospiritual therapist, founder of:
Primal Healing and Art -   "light the flame in your heart - ignite for fire in your soul"

Marta has been in practice for thirty years working with individuals, group workshops and seminars that are intimate, safe and startle you with life-changing results. Marta believes art is an individual expression to finding one's voice and soul purpose. Each person is a creator.  It is your birthright to light the world with your authenticity, passion and desire. Marta nurtures each individual's imagination, passion and awakens their deepest truth. She guides each person to release beliefs  blocking them from their creative-child and awesome talents that are waiting to bust out and be free.


Visit Marta


It's Just Keeps on Going and Going

Check out Catherine Anderson's Website. She combines SoulCollage(r) with the Gaggle of Modern Day Muses.

Kristin Timmers is unleashing The Nine Modern Day Muses. Visit her. http://katalystcoaching.blogspot.com/

Join me on Facebook.

Share your writing responses on The Awe-manac Blog.

Gosh, The Awe-manac was reviewed by Style and Substance E-zine.

Mitch Hedberg Quotes that have Gs in them:
~I don't have a girlfriend. But I do know a woman who'd be mad at me for saying that.
~I love blackjack. But I'm not addicted to gambling. I'm addicted to sitting in a semi circle.
~I would imagine that if you could understand Morse code, a tap dancer would drive you crazy.

Thank you for subscribing. Have a great Awe-gust.

Be Gentler to Yourself,

Ps. Golly.

The Muse is In Classes


Here in:

Germinating Genuine Genius

Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Training Coming Up

14 Gs

Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach Spotlight: Marta Luzim

It's Just Keeps on Going and Going

Schedule of Events
Thursday, August 5, 2009 5 pm pacific/8 pm eastern
Kaizen-Muse Creativity Call- Open to All.
Fun and creative ways to expand your creative thinking. Learn more about Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching. Volunteer for a short coaching session on the phone.

Thursday, August 20, 2009 7-9 pm
Drop-in Creative Writing Workshop.
Meet for creative writing, pasta and wine at Giovanni's in Encinitas, CA. Al dente. Economic Slump special $10.. offer limited. Not available in any store.

September 24, 5 pm Next KMC3 Call: Creativity Coaching Business Building

Friday, September 4, 2009

Jill subs for the illustrious and irreplaceable Amy Wallen and hosts Dime Stories at a location yet to be determined. Bring spitballs and 5 minutes of prose. Special 2 extra minutes of reading! See more about Dime Stories .

Saturday, September 26, 10- 12 am
  Wrapping Your Existence in Words Writing Workshop: We will use journal writing, creative prose, and stream of consciousness prompts to capture life moments with writing uniquely flavored with creativity, humor, and poignancy. Bring: a few memories. Free adjectives to all who sign up. Writer's Ink, San Diego

Wednesday Evenings and Tuesday Daytimes
August 26 - December 2, 2009

Become a trained as a Certified Kaizen Muse Creativity Coach - from your home. Almost Full. Register by July 26 for $100 off.
For more information click here.

October 23-26, 2009 San Diego
The Modern Day Muse Facilitator Training will once again be through 13 weeks of teleconferences.  More information when the incubation phase erupts into something tangible.

November 5-8, 2009: The Modern Day Muses present at the SoulCollage(R) Conference for Facilitator in Arizona! Click here for details

2011: Watch next issure forJill and Mabel's Creative Retreat in Taos, New Mexico!

Free Teleconferences Monthly. Watch for them in the Muse Flash.
Last Month's Muse Flash
The Muse is IN classes webpage
GREEN things and Garbage
Brought to you by Green
List where you are getting it RIGHT as far as being GREEN.

Creative Ways to Reuse Garbage
Amazing Cardboard Art - Reusing Cardboard Boxes
Creative Things to do with Phonebooks
Top Musicians Going Green
10 Ways to Reuse Plastic Bottles

It IS Easy to be Green:
Walk more, bike more. It's SUMMER...
Carry a reusable mug to your favorite Coffee Shop.
Bring your own bag to the grocery store.

Top Green Websites
Woodstock: Happy Anniversary
Godfather of Hard Rock by Lynda Treger
Ode to Woodstock
Forty years ago the Goddess of Getting Along merged with the Godfather of Hard Rock and Music Greats.
And, doused by mostly harmless drugs, put 500,000 hippie-types into a stupor of love and gut appreciation for the beat, the voices, the guitar solos bending minds into happy mush, the embracing of flow in everyday events like finding food, a bathroom, a familiar muddy blanket.
I remember the beginning and the end.  It's the middle that made me different.  I totally abandoned the former rules of my life in the name of survival and found freedom, trust and humanity.  I took off my bra and never wore another.  I felt safe as we were all on the same mission (as it turned out to be) of random kindness and peace.  You may think it naive, but it worked.  I paid eighteen dollars for that ticket that never got collected.  The fence was a joke against the masses of people wanting in.  Damn, I wish I had that ticket.  I still have the feeling, though, and when I connect with that there is nothing I cannot do.  Package me in compassion and timeless agape love viewed from a bigger picture, a more perfect distance, and I am invincible in my efforts to adapt and make a difference in every new time of my life because, I did have the time of my life.  Peace.  Lynda.
Goe Cocker

The Muse is IN • 3142 1st Ave • San Diego, CA 92103
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