Yoga For Life
Srivatsa Ramaswami studied with Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya 33 years, longer than any other student including his three most famous, B.K.S.Iyengar, T.K.V.Desikachar, and Pattabhi Jois, founders of Iyengar, Viniyoga and Ashtanga Yoga.
In his book "Yoga For the Three Stages of Life," Ramaswami discusses yoga as a path with 3 stages, and methods or "kramas" that best nourish each stage, sharing his lifetime of knowledge accumulated from his master,
"Vrddhi krama" nurtures the youthful, still physically growing yogi with creative flowing vinyasa. In midlife, "sthiti krama" supports steady health through asana, bandha, meditation, mantra, pranayama, with some vinyasa. In later life, "laya krama" maintains mobility with asana and pranayama, while greatly deepening meditation and philosophy for insight into the spiritual depths of yoga.
In our practice, it is natural to find elements of all three methods or kramas at any stage of our journey. Vinyasa can be exhilarating at 20 or at 60. Meditation may be enjoyed from childhood on. Our lives may incorporate at any time aspects of Vrddhi, Sthiti, and Laya.
What counts, and what Sri Ramaswami emphasizes, is that our yoga evolves in order to serve each of us where and how we are, individually. Not to beat ourselves into any one shape, or school, or style.
Can we take on the unique challenge of discovering our own yoga krama at every stage of our journey? Whether you are on the mat - or in some readers' cases - whether your yoga is one that is lived entirely off the mat?
Srivatsa Ramaswami
Holiday Restorative Treat
One krama, or method, that is universally applicable whether you are a child, scholar, householder, or sage, is the profoundly restful practice of restorative yoga.
Your body is embraced in healing yoga poses with the support of bolsters and blankets. Your senses are soothed through dim light, sound, touch, scent, and guided meditations; for this Holiday Restorative Treat, we will balance all 7 chakras and you will receive the ministrations of myself and my lovingly trained assistants.
Highly recommended for those just beginning a yoga practice or healing from any kind of injury or stress, restorative is the antidote to urban living, and the "savasana" to an active yoga practice or simply an active life.
As one student put it, "it's as good as a full body massage." Open to Pure members and non-members. Pre-register to ensure your space, and your special aromatherapy gift. A portion of proceeds will benefit Heifer International's holiday gift giving program.
Restorative Workshop 12/17
Teacher Training: A Calling
Ever think of taking your yoga practice to the next level? Perhaps deepening your own practice, understanding how to sequence your own practice? Or perhaps, sharing yoga with friends and family, or more people in the world.
A plethora of teacher trainings exist, and part of the joy of discovering which is right for you, is journeying through the offerings that are out there.
A really good place to start is with a teacher and class that light you up. You will need all the inspirational fuel for your life's journey!
I've had wonderful teachers and my yogiraj Al Finger has his ISHTA Yoga center right here in New York City.
I'm also impressed by the Pure 200-Hour Training and the quality of that program. Plus if you train at Pure, you may go on to mentor with me, and with teachers I'd be honored to mentor under!
Take your time, follow your heart.
Below is Karen Lo's new book featuring the journeys of 9 of this generation's inspirational teachers.
"Blessed to Serve" Book
Usually my husband puts up & trims the tree every year, right after Thanksgiving. This year he is prepping to act in one play and direct another, and I took a quiet afternoon to set up the tree and surprise everyone. I surprised me the most; the quiet pleasure of creating beauty in the smallest acts was something I'd forgotten.
My AcroYoga friend Sandy K. reminded me in our drive to Montreal last weekend how sweet baked gifts can be. Her raspberry brownies will bless my building staff this month and fly out to my California family.
"The Most Important Gift Catalog in the World" claims Heifer International on its print catalog. This is indeed a great way to honor someone you love: give a gift the provides, in their name. You can send them a beautiful acknowledgement gift card by mail, email, or both.
Heifer Gift Giving
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You may Reply to me anytime; also, feel free to Forward to a friend.
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Happy Thanksgiving!
Mary's Website
Thai for Holidays
Thai Yoga Massage, in the northern style I am trained in, is a flowing dance between an active and a passive yoga duo. It has profound health benefits for the receiver and is a spiritual and physical discipline for the giver.
The receiver lies on a mat on the floor while the giver moves them through positions within their comfortable range of motion and applies pressure along energy lines, called "sen" lines, that run from head to toe.
Energy flow is released from any blockages that may be in place, enhancing the body's own natural capacity for vitality, healing, and true relaxation.
Email me this season for rates if you would like to arrange a session for yourself or a friend. Give the gift of Thai.
More on Thai Yoga |
Class Schedule
My Pure NYC Classes:
Eastside -
Mon 10:30 Slow Flow Meditation
Tues 12:30 Restorative
Thur 5:30 Vinyasa L1/2
Fri 5:30 Restorative
Westside -
Thur 9:30 Vinyasa L2
Thur 11 Yin/Yang L1/2
Thur 8pm Restorative
Fri 10:30 Chakra Slow Flow
For updates on these, plus workshops, retreats, and trainings, see my website Classes/Workshops page any time.
My Website Classes Page |
Restorative Trainings
It is my honor to be invited to lead Restorative Teacher Trainings several times a year. These are 36-hour, 4-day trainings around the country with YogaFit, and locally, they are 20-25 hour weekend trainings at Pure Yoga New York.
Check my Classes/Workshops page on trainings, workshops and retreats for dates and locations as they become posted.
My Website |
In November 2007, I was already 12 years practicing and 5 years teaching yoga when I took an AcroYoga workshop, and my yoga practice went 3D, Hi-Def, and BluRay, so to speak.
Beyond strengthening and balancing, partner work challenges our inner and outer boundaries, where courage, trust, communication lessons are met in every encounter with others, and with ourselves.
Find a workshop, class or retreat in your area, through For New York, type
AcroYoga NYC |
Photo Thanks
Thanks for photos this issue to:
Linda Mittel and Andy Eisner for Central Park Thai; Scottsdale AZ YogaFit AcroYoga workshop for Knees on Back, Chair Circle, and 3-Dog Pyramid with Kathy DeKramer; Frog Lotus Studio for indoor Thai; Pure Yoga and Marion Krista for Restorative; Atlanta GA YogaFit Restorative training group and Restorative training photo; Chris Loebsack in Bow on me; Sandy Kalik and Scott Coley in drive to Montreal AcroGasm Weekend; Lindsey Britt with me in North Adams quarry, photo by Jonny Nobleza.