The Weekly Newsletter for January 23-27, 2012
In my neighborhood this past week

A new door!
We were getting sick of the boring old glass on our front door so we contracted with a local fellow to throw a paving rock through the window earlier this week.  This is much nicer, don't you think?
Actually, um, this was not a planned redesign but, true to form, our staff took a brighter look and enhanced the temporary redo with our bumper stickers.  Marty got to talk on TV about the break-in and we're getting along.  I think the new glass will arrive next week.

Here's an early morning glimpse from behind our deli case.  Particle board is not nearly as transparent as glass but we're making do.

Dinners for the week
We make dinners to go Monday through Friday.
Call 252-1500 by noon or so and then come pick up your dinners between 3 and 7, when we close. Add a salad for 3.25 or bread for 1.25.
Here is this week's menu:
Monday, January 30
Parmesan Chicken with Linguine 7.95
Tuesday, January 31
Artichoke Cakes, Red Pepper Aioli, and Chickpea-Feta Salad 7.50
Wednesday, February 1
Meatloaf and Mashed Potatoes 7.25
Thursday, February 2
Thai Curry Chicken with Israeli Cous Cous (YUM!!!) 7.95
Friday, February 3
Crabcakes with Coleslaw (our favorite) 10.25


Casserole and Lasagna for the Week
Call by noon and then come pick up between 4 and 7 that day!
Casserole of the week - Wednesday,  February 1
Greek Moussaka with Beef
Full: 59  Half: 29.50
Lasagna of the week - Friday,  February 3
Fennel, Olive and Cremini Mushroom Lasagna
Full: 40  Half: 20

Clyde's art
Okay, this is not in my neighborhood, but it'd be fun if it was, don't you think?  I traveled to Chapel Hill earlier in the week (more in my note) and visited the home of Clyde Jones, a folk artist near there.  Martha and Brendan told me about him and, though he was not outside that day, we wandered up and down his street amused and captivated by the whimsy he has brought to his neighborhood.

and more of Clyde's yard
Here is what he really does, sculptures of chainsawed logs put together to become fanciful animals which are painted and bejeweled from his collection of this and that.  Many of them are draped with lights, making it, no doubt, a fun place to visit at night.
Makes me want to get a chainsaw and get to it!

Meanwhile, back on OUR stove
Coming home is always a sweet thing, especially when home includes the stove at work.  Here is a pot of stock, and three pots of who-knows-what, bubbling and infusing the air with enticing aromas of all kinds.  Delicious!

And on Marty's baking rack
Mingling in with the savories are Marty's sweets.  Yesterday I went to my "graduation" from the Livestrong at the YMCA here.  This is a wonderful exercise and support-group program that the Y is now offering for cancer survivors.  I was in the inaugural class and, though I am sad to see it end, I am glad I got to start it - an important beginning for me to help me as I get back on my feet.
But about those sweets - I brought a platter of our goodies and Jennifer, sitting next to me, exploded with delight at her "Mingus bar."  While the festivities rolled out, she kept nibbling and kept getting more and more delighted with each bite.  Have YOU tried one?  I recommend them.

A word or two from Laurey
January, 2012
It was not an uneventful week. On Monday morning my phone rang, a call from my landlord telling me she was at my shop with the police. Someone had thrown a rock through the front door and had vandalized our cash register – getting nothing, I might add. I was completely asleep and told her I could not come in because I had to go to the hospital. That was sort of right, as you’ll see, but not exactly, so when I woke up, a few minutes later, I remembered that it was MY shop and that I better get up and see what was going on.
By the time I got into town, she had swept up all the glass and was waiting for the forensic unit to come to in. The handyman had been alerted and was on his way to get wood to fix the hole for the time being. I took over, watching the fingerprinting operation. Then the handyman came and put up the patch and I went back home to pack.
A few hours later my sister and I traveled to Chapel Hill for the first part of this second phase of my treatment. We dawdled on the way down and, as you see, visited a couple of local sites. We landed in time to catch the end of the football game and settled in with room service in our pajamas. Surgery went fine the next morning. My sister and the charge nurse had quite the amusing time with me as I was trying to wake up, laughing at me (I was out of it and did not join in on the joke) as I fell asleep with a graham cracker sticking out of my mouth. Ah well. Simple pleasures, right?
And now I am home again, recovering, again. I have a month to go before the second part of phase 2 happens and I am trying, again, to get back to normal, sleeping a lot and gradually emerging from the fog, again. So far so good, a step at a time, a breath at a time. Slowly, but surely. Slowly but surely.
Next week I’ll tell you about our plans for Valentine’s Day and for some other things we have in store for you. For now, time to send this out, do a few other things, and go home. The pups are waiting for me and that, from my point of view, is the very best thing ever. Home. Dogs. Nice

There's no place like it
And then there is this wonderful landscape that I get to see every day when I come home.  I have found a good place to stop and snap a picture when the light is just right, as it was this day earlier this week. 
My home is my haven and I feel very blessed to have it to come home to.  And to have a work home that is just as sweet too - one which I can share with you ('cause you all would not fit in my little cabin, you know.)

Laurey's Catering and gourmet to go • 67 Biltmore Avenue • Asheville • NC • 28801