The Weekly Newsletter for March 12-March 16, 2012
Getting better

Walking the Labyrinth
I'm a labyrinth walker from my early days. A few years ago my sister, fascinated by the non-stops scribblings I made of them, actually built one in her garden.  It is a thing of beauty.  Often, now, when I travel I like to scrape one in the dirt or create one with pebbles or shells.  The outer edge of Bald Head Island has a windswept place of soft sand. Heather I drew one and then another and finally, this one, which was big enough to walk in.  So we did.

With Carl Jones
We got to Chapel Hill early to pick up my sister who had flown in to be with me for the surgery.  I planned a little Delicious Expeditions day for us.  We started with breakfast at Guglhupf, a delicious Swiss bakery.  Then we went to The Lemur Project, a place to explore and understand these curious wide-eyed mammals who live here and in Madagascar, and that's it!
Our timing was just right for a jaunt to meet my friend Gilda who told me, last time I was here that she knows Clyde Jones, this amazing 70 something folk artists who chops up cedar logs and then paints them, making "critters."

Dinners for the week
We make dinners to go Monday through Friday.
Call 252-1500 by noon or so and then come pick up your dinners between 3 and 7, when we close. Add a salad for 3.25 or bread for 1.25.
oops - I am out of town and cannot access this menu.
can you call to find it out?


Casserole and Lasagna for the Week
Call by noon and then come pick up between 4 and 7 that day!
 Yup - same story here.
call us at 252-1500

One of the donkeys
The donkeys all gather in an area just next to the road.  His yard is full of them and so is everyone else's.  He does not sell anything but does give them to people in his area for fundraisers and to many museums around the country. This one had just come back from a major installation in Washington DC.  Now it sits in his yard.  Nice.

The picture thingy
"You all three girls go over and pose at the picture Thingy," Clyde laughed and scooted us over to that part of the yard. I was definitely the center of his attention.  "Which one of y'all's sick?" he asked as we got out of the car.  Gilda was mortified but I appreciated his direct approach.  "I am," I said.  "Well," he continued, "you sure don't LOOK sick.  You gonna be fine."
That felt nice, I can promise you.

He hugged me and led me around the yard, urging me to sit here or there.  He was nice to my sisters, but I was the show.  Interesting twist.  By then I was down to a liquid diet for surgery was the next day so we wnt home to prepare me for the big day.

me and Carl

A word or two from Laurey
Okay friends, thanks to my sister's genius today I am writing a newsletter on her computer illustrated by pictures from my camera put onto her machine.  It seems pretty convoluted but it also seems to be working.
All except for those menus.  I'll see if I can scoot in next week and fix that. 
For now I need to go very slow.  My days are sleepy ones, taking of medicine, keeping track of what is going in and out of my body. 
Right now I only have one remaining tube but I hope it will get removed on Friday.  In a couple of weeks I plan to start back at the gym and slowly try to get fit again.
For now, one more appointment this week and then I'll be home.  My friend Jenna is in love with both Tye and Lewis.  I am not surprised at the level of feelings coming from either of them.  They're all so dang sweet.
Thanks of all the prayers and love and hope and light.  You have done a very fine job.

In my bed
This is how I looked last week.  Not too bad for what I had just undergone.  I'm still in Chapel Hill and will be home on Friday night, I think.  Right now I'm just sleeping and watching movies and tv and sleeping more.
But I'll see you soon.

Laurey's Catering and gourmet to go • 67 Biltmore Avenue • Asheville • NC • 28801