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Without structure, many of us just don't get to our creative process. With the right kind of nurturing, irresistible creative prompts, in a community of supportive friennds we can blossom into new creative places.  Come join the Underground.
About The Highway
Welcome to the
Underground Highway: 

I want you to take a deep breath in and imagine you are in a creative community, surrounded by supportive and inspiring kindred spirits, where your creativity is nurtured WITHOUT a lot of pressure.  How? With  the following:
1. Two Monthly Live Zoom Creative Workshops with Jill Badonsky (Value >$70) or Youtube replay:
One is a Creativity Workshop which includes creativity enhancing exercises for people who think they can't draw or write, for those who want new to discover a new voice.

The other is Let's Talk Creativity: Which is a discussion of a creative challenge, solutions, and the opportunity to experience what happens when we talk about our creative process in a compassionate, reflective exchange.

2. Two creative prompts weekly with no pressure to complete, but a place to share and be inspired by others WITHOUT competition. (Value $120 annually).

3. One Optional Creativity Coaching email session to address your individual challenges. (Value $75)
4. Optional: Secret Facebook Group to share and receive support and inspiration.

Value of the group $160 monthly
Actual Cost: $35 monthly
NOW $23 a month!

(unsubscribe at any time through PayPal)
If you are finding it hard to concentrate on your creativity in this time where the events in the news have thrown you for a loop- you may need a little extra structure. I know I do.

We lose money, time, and creative joy when we don't show-up for our creativity. Our anxiety affects our health.  Creativity is one of the most healing things we can do for ourselves. And it's one of the greatest gifts of being on the planet.

Trying to do it on our own is tough because habits insidiously sneak back in even when we think we are paying attention.  

Sign-up station
Dear Creative Companion,
 < $23
un-subscribe through Paypal anytime

(increasing to $27 January 2024)
$35 if you want to pay the full price, I'm good with that. Sometimes people are more motivated when they pay more and this includes a discount on the Muse in In Support Group.
unsubscribe through Paypal anytime


Ask yourself what it might feel like to relax your expectations so that productivity is more available. Deliberately perform below your skill-level to get started and to see what ideas fall out of a relaxed approach. Once you get started, trust the quality will make itself known.

 Whatever you do, show-up for your creative call. It's your time to do that.
Other Links: 
A Muse's Dream Podcast - Mini-creativity vacations
Interview with  Danny Gregory
The Tolerance Muscle
Perfectionism is Creativity's Evil Step-sister
~Jill Badonsky
Your Underground Highway Guide
Jill Badonsky, M.Ed. is head muse of the Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Certification Training founded in 2004, multimedia artist, mindfuness/yoga teacher, podcaster, and author/illustrator of three and a half books on creativity.
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