What the Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Training Looks Like and Why You Should Care
I just want to thank all of you for making this experience more than unique, it was a life changer. I realize I’m not alone in the crazy world of art and voices of self-doubt are NORMAL! I now have Kaizen tools like the 4-part belief maker, the PLANETs and a great support group! I know I have this; I know I am an artist, and NO ONE can take that away from me! Great class and a great group of talented women! ~Kathy Gonzales, Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach
I came to KMCC training to become a Creativity Coach, I ended up being an Artist in Progress. Serendipity, Synchronicity and now Kaizen ... these 3 words rules my life ... knowing that I don’t have a clear destination in where or what I am getting to. I am just enjoying every discovery. My creative soul is finally awaken .... ~Tatiana Jacquot, Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach
Hi ,
Seems like I err on the side of keeping this training a secret, but since I've received so much feedback about how it makes a big difference in people's lives, I'm not going to do that anymore. If you have the call to be creative and you're having a hard time answering it, are procrastinating, overwhelmed, frozen, or lack confidence, a program like this can move you into your creative joy in mindful, easy ways that also affect every other aspect of your life. I couldn't do it on my own, I still work with a mentor - we are pack animals, one of the healthiest things we can do is join a pack that leads us to our passion. The value goes way beyond the cost, (and it's tax deductible).

ZOOM! to Creativity Information Meeting and Workshop
If you would like a little creative restoration and sampling of how a Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching session works or if you're a trained KMCC coach and want a review, join me this Thursday, July 11 at 11 am pacific/ 12pm mountain/ 1 pm central/ 2pm eastern (MP3 recording will be sent to all who sign-up). Sign-up here.
The 18-week training meets weekly for an hour and a half, using a webinar platform (ZOOM) on your computer so everyone can see each other. Only a computer and wifi is needed, no strange devices, no aluminum foil hats, no gizmos you trip over. (Phone options are also available). There is a rich assortment of readings on creativity, on-line discussions, listening to recordings of client sessions, practice coaching and homework, making a KMCC training commitment from three to five hours a week, depending on the week.
Mondays at 4pm pacific/ 5pm mountain/6pm central/ 7pm eastern and Wednesdays at 11am pacific/ 12 mountain/ 1 central/ 2 eastern and according to your country's time conversion if you are outside of the US. (Times are often flexible according to student needs).
Slide share At Least Three Tips to Liberate Your Creativity
Since 2004 the following individuals have taken the training:
- Writers, dancers, artists, photographers, quilters, crafters, film producers who are now passionate about helping others.
- Life coaches, expressive therapists, occupational therapists, psychologists wanting to add creativity coaching to their repertoire of skills or wanting to switch over to being a creativity mentor.
- Therapists, psychologists, personnel directors, lawyers, doctors, ministers, people disillusioned in the corporate world.
- Those with experience with their creative process who have good people skills and want to help others.
- Those who want another stream of joy and income to their business.
- People who want to creatively coach others for meaning and purpose after a former career.
- SoulCollage(R) Facilitators
- People 28- 82 years of age (younger and older people welcomed)
What is Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching and How is it Different from Life Coaching and Other Creativity Coaching models?
The student is introduced to the populations we work with which includes writers, all types of artists, people in transition, loss, and grieving, those who don't think they are creative but are curious to try, and anyone wanting to either embark upon a creative endeavor or who are motivated to live life more creatively. These tools apply to the arts but they also apply to business building, getting through the daily minutia, and even relationships.
Creativity is approached as a way of life. Imagine having the resilience, adaptability, cleverness and resourceful of an artist but applying it to everyday life. We teach people how to be an "artist of being alive."
We use creative tools to help anyone who is struggling with resistance, procrastination, feelings of overwhelm, dubious habits, and negative past experiences which have led to shame, fear, and hesitancy - no matter what their calling. The tools work especially well with starting or continuing a creative endeavor but also as a way of approaching daily life.
Here are more distinctions of KMCC and other coaching programs.
Awareness is Power The first several weeks the coach-in-training is introduced to the six foundations of creative blocks, how they affect the creative process, how prevalent they are whether it be for writing or art, or living life with empowered authenticity. The awareness of where blocks come from accelerates each coach-in-training’s understanding of the process, plugs into the acknowledgement of strengths, and reinvents their approach using their own unique assets.
Introduction to Kaizen-Muse Creativity Tools "Kaizen" is a Japanese word for continuous improvement through small steps, smaller than conventional approaches. "Muse" represents our relationship with our own creativity through what we say, our habits, our courage, and our ability to think differently. The KMCC tools are based on these principles and the coach-in-training learns how to use them through discussion, application and experience during the class as well as in enriching homework reading and application. They are packaged, in a sense, so they are easy to use and prescribe.
Creative Experiences Reinforce Tools
The experiences included in each class validate the coach-in-training’s creativity, expand it in unexpected ways, help individuals overcome common obstacles, and introduce a new way to generate ideas. Each coach-in-training chooses a creative project to which they apply the tools and observe the non-linear and unpredictable process of creativity. They are taught to let go of expectations and enjoy the process. There's room for "intuitive detours."
One-on-one Mentoring Sessions
All coaches-in-training receive mentoring sessions with a Master KMCC coach or Jill Badonsky, an valuable perk to experience what it’s like to be coached using this different model. Even students who have no blocks benefit from mentoring sessions because these sessions help their creativity expand deeper.
Practice Coaching
Students practice the KMCC tools and approaches with a class member supervised by a Master KMCC coach or Jill Badonsky.
Logistics and Marketing
Students receive training on how to set-up and market a creativity coaching practice.
KMCC tools are applied to this segment so even the most reluctant creative person can find an approach that side-steps fears, the imposter syndrome, and other concerns about the necessary business component.
A Rich Creative Community
All students are invited into the KMCC community after finishing the training which has a regular discussion about clients, support for practice building, quarterly teleconference workshops, discounts on products and trainings, channels of promotions for fledgling practices, and Creativ-iteas to regularly connect and exchange ideas with fellow coaches in an non-competitive, friendly and inspiring way.
Payment plans customized to your needs.

Emailme and share why you believe this is a good fit for you and a little about your background to info@themuseisin.com
What questions didn't I answer for you?
Contact me at info@themuseisin.com
Includes 18-weeks of training, a comprehensive manual of KMCC, one-on-one mentoring with Jill Badonsky, tools you will use to live every aspect of your life creatively.
Cost: $2670
Save $10
0 by paying in full
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 | Faculty: Jill Badonsky, M.Ed. and Dr. Robert Maurer
Jill Badonsky:
- Teaching creative wellness workshops since 1985 (been around for awhile).
- Creativity coaching since 1997
- Author/illustrator of three books on creativity
- Designer of the KMCC philosophy and curriculum.
- Background in Psychiatric Occupational Therapy using modalities of expressive therapy, art therapy, creative life skills, projective drawings, and creative projects to build skills, self esteem, and avenues of expression in emotionally challenged adolescents and adults.
- Masters degree in Educational Media and Instructional Design
- Designed hospital curriculums and coloring books for hospitalized children and adolescents.
- Marketing Director and Creative Consultant to Hospital Psychiatric Programs, Creative Professionals, and National Magazines
- Corporate Drop-out : These tools helped me make that a successful transition
- Certified Yoga Instructor teaching in corporate, prison, spa and retreat environments since 1993 and applying mindfulness principles to KMCC
- Multi-media artist, performance poet, and playwright
- Blocked and then unblocked creative person, capturing everything that worked with the desire to passionately share it in any way possible.
- Award winning inspirational goof-ball and award-winning author.
- Dispenser of thousands of weird creativity prompts including on Facebook
- SoulCollage(R) Facilitator
- Highly sensitive person surviving in a kind of insensitive world.
More about Jill's philosophy here
More about the KMCC training here
Adjunct Teacher
Dr. Robert Maurer provides a guest question and answer session sharing his latest experiences with Kaizen. We will be listening to two other classes he taught. He is a renown UCLA psychologist and author of One Small Step Can Change Your Life: The Kaizen Way and other books on Kaizen.
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 | Modern Day Muse Map: Click for the PDF
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