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May you know the Beauty and Truth that is Who You Are.  May you know the Wisdom within, and always listen to and express the Song of you Soul.
Beth Budesheim,  LMT  RN
Soul Care ~ Self Care ~ Slowing Down
About Beth
Hi Everybody,
I hope this finds you doing very well.
* (p.s. I've finally reintegrated all my work into one website. Some of you might be on both of my mailing lists. This one is mainly for those of you who have seen me for massage and other in-person sessions here in Santa Fe. Today I sent out to both lists, which I rarely do in the same week. They are slightly different- please excuse the repetition. xo)
What you'll find here:
* Do you consider yourself empathic or highly sensitive?
Find me on Insight Timer
* Session Special
Goddess of Divine Communication
 All of the goddess paintings are currently up at Santa Fe Community Yoga Center. I'm so happy to have the opportunity to display them in such a resonant space.
 Insight Timer

Insight timer has a large library of curated guided meditations, and I'm so happy to now be a part of it!
Insight Timer is an app that may be downloaded to assist with meditation practice. I've been using it for 4+ years as my meditation timer, and absolutely love it. 
Currently you'll find these three meditations from me:
* Finding Stillness
* Your Soul Seed
* Abundance Alignment
VIEW HERE or Download from the app store and search for Beth Budesheim
Session Special
Soul Care ~ Self Care ~ Slowing Down
I heard someone say recently that it takes courage to slow down.  Wow.. yes. I hadn't thought to use the word courage, but it's so very true!
Our fight or flight- stressed out- trying to make it happen- doing- figuring it out  self, would never choose slowing down. It's that wise part within us that has the courage. It that wise part that knows though it may seem contrary, slowing down, taking a pause, is exactly what will be most beneficial. Slowing down connects us to a deeper place of knowing, personal truth, inner resourcefulness and empowerment. These areas of our being are better equipped to listen, choose, and respond, possibly bringing us what we are truly need even more easily and quickly.It's that warrior within that knows how to access the courage to wait, to find stillness, to listen, to become more fully present, to gather, to hold. There's a certain maturity in this ability.
How have you taken time to enter the field of slowness lately? Some outstanding ways that come to mind are: quiet time in nature, meditation, taking a relaxed mindful walk, engaging in a creative activity, receiving energy medicine or massage. I often encourage people to take just 5 minute to sit in silence. Even a busy life can find 5 minutes to turn everything off, sit, and just Be. 
Sessions can provide the structure for slowing down, for coming out of the fight-flight-stressed place.  We enter a different zone. The space of energy medicine and intuition is inherently grounded in places of stillness and deeper listening. 

Session Special
* Two card intuitive reading- sent as an emailed audio recording & images of the cards pulled for you.
* 90 minute massage
* 60 minute energy medicine
3 sessions total
Your sessions will take place within a 1-2 month time frame. We'll talk about what will work best for you, and which you'd like to receive first.
I have 5 spots open for this special. Regularly $240... Special $200
If you're interested, just reply to this email
by Tuesday, June 18th.
Questions? Please ask!
Do you consider yourself highly sensitive or empathic? 

Are you highly sensitive to energy, and perhaps consider yourself empathic? Would you be willing to take my 5 minute survey and share a little bit about your experience?
All 10 questions are optional and most are multiple choice. Just do as much as you want.

It's an easy fun self reflective survey. Just 10 simple questions, including one that's a fun 'pick 3 images that bring you feelings of calm and centeredness".
At the end of the survey, there's a link to the video "A Tip for Empathic Overwhelm in Public Spaces'.
You may remain anonymous. Thanks for considering!
Celery Juice
Have you heard all the rave about celery juice?

Thank you all. I appreciate you!
About Beth
Beth is a professional intuitive, energy healer, bodyworker, artist, psychosynthesis life coach, RN, 20+ years meditator, yogini, and nature lover. Supporting others to go deep within, find inner stillness, access potent bits of clarity, their innate healing energy, and unique soul essence, are some of her great passions. She believes that a world where there is a greater sense of center, of calm, clarity, inner peace, and wholeness, is a more peaceful world.
For over 18 years, Beth has assisted others through her creativity and sessions, with their inner spiritual connection, their dreams, physical & health issues, career or relational indecisions, and general need for self care. Sessions are available in-person, and through phone, Skype and email. More information about this, as well as original paintings, prints, PrayerCards Oracle deck and more may be found on her website: 
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Beth Budesheim

1456 Avenida de Las Americas

Santa Fe, NM 87507

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