Your ODE Member Newsletter
From The President's Desk
The DeKalb County School District is following the CDC Guidelines as it pertains to the re-opening of schools. As of last Saturday, the numbers fell below 100 per 100,000 in terms of the Coronavirus. The district advised before the Fall Semester started that schools would not open as long as the numbers were above 100. Remember, if the numbers go back above 100 between now and October 19th, you will continue teaching from home. This a fluid situation, and ODE is closely monitoring it.
Please read all information from the district, as there are quite a few things in the attachments that are pertinent for you in terms of how you negotiate this re-opening. If your doctor advises that you should not return, he/she should give you documentation to that effect.
The DeKalb Board meeting is 19 October 2020. As of today, that meeting will be virtual. Will the board will concur with the re-opening, I’m not sure?
This would be a good time to contact your school board members to ask this question. All of their email addresses can be found on the district website.
Again, ODE is monitoring the situation and the numbers.
In Solidarity Deborah
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