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Moving Body Salon
Moving Body Salon!
Friday, April 12th
We have a magical multi-cultural evening of
words, music, and song,
along with noshing, drinking, schmoozing
and more Springtime delights!
Friday, April 12th
show starts 7 pm
doors open for noshing, drinking, schmoozing at 6:30 pm
Location: MBR 112 West 27th St.
buzzer 402, then green bell button
4th floor
Performances by
Rose Marie Sabangan - writer
Radha Mukerjee - Indian singing 
dDamien - story performance
Norman Salant - singer/songwriter
Suggested Donation: 
All amounts large and small are meaningful.

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Performer bios:
Rose Marie Sabangan spent her early childhood schooled in British North Borneo, immigrated to the USA in 1972, and graduated from Sarah Lawrence & Goddard Colleges.  Rose carves (her)stories shaped by swerves of uprooting and second chances, which move the historically suppressed female experience towards a magically sanctioned reality of empowerment—a creative quest necessitating exploration and expansion of storytelling voices to bridge meaning across the author’s culturally lived experiences as an American immigrant spiritually nurtured and influenced by her Filipino ancestral teachings.  Rose resides on Munsee Lenape land, also known as New York City. and
Radha Mukherjee, with music as an integral part of growing up, received formal training in Indian classical music. Ragas (a group of pre-determined notes that are sung in multiple formats) form the essence of this style.  She loves creating fusions of Indian classical and other styles of music to enhance the experience of both musical styles.  As a breast and endometrial cancer research scientist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center., for Radha science and music are two integral parts of the balancing act of life.  Experimenting in and pushing the boundaries and edges of both brings an unlimited sense of peace, satisfaction, and joy.
dDamien, dDamien is a native New Yorker, born on the island of Manhattan and raised on Staten Island. He
is a descendent of the oyster farming families of the Sandy Ground Community, who settled on Staten Island in the 1850s. dDamien’s first stage performance was at Barracuda, a local bar in Chelsea, where he honed his drag persona Devotion. In 2001 Devotion shared the stage in the final presentation of Wigstock with many drag icons including Lady Bunny. With no formal training dDamien appreciates how characters spontaneously come into play from an improvisational point of view. This is where the magic of imagination takes form. 
Norman Salant, is a NYC songwriter/singer and former saxophonist whose songs reflect the most moving elements of life: melodious and intricate, with lyrical wordplay, large themes, poetic imagery, and abstract impressions; above all honest, unpretentious and somehow modern. His saxophone/compositional career was illustrious; his singer/songwriter career has been largely hidden from the wider world.
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Moving Body Resources  |  112 West 27th Street, Ste. 400  |  New York City, NY 10001  |

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