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Vajrapani Kadampa Buddhist Center
Drop into a class for some peace!

Tomorrow Morning: Lamrim Silent Retreat

Tomorrow: March 30  9:00am-12:00pm

Without inner peace there is no real happiness at all. In this monthly silent retreat we have an opportunity to increase our inner peace by meditating on the Stages of the Path – Lamrim.

The retreat structure consists of prayers and guided meditation. Aside from the prayers, students are encouraged to remain silent until after the last session. Then we usually have some light refreshments and folks can stay to discuss if they wish.
3 Sessions – come to any or all. No need to pre-register.
 9:00am-9:45am         Equalizing Self and Other
10:00am-10:45am      The Disadvantages of Self Cherishing
11:00am-12:00pm      The Advantages of Cherishing Others

Requested donation: $5 per session

Also available free online for Center Monthly Members of all levels. The link is on the Members Area page  HERE.
Hope you can attend next week's Celebration in Sarasota!
In Person or On-line

                   A Radiant Heart of Loving Kindness
The Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Maitreya with Teachings on Exchanging Self with Others
                                      April 5-7, 2024
Kadampa Meditation Center Florida
730 N. Washington Blvd Sarasota FL 34236


With NKT Eastern US National Spiritual Director, Kadam Morten Clausen
“Maitreya is the manifestation of all the Buddha’s realization of loving kindness. His function is to guide us along the stages of the path to enlightenment.” – Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

During this special weekend of the Florida Dharma Celebration, Kadam Morten will grant the empowerment of Buddha Maitreya, the embodiment of a fully-awakened heart of loving kindness. The empowerment is a blissful guided meditation that connects us to Maitreya’s enlightened love, giving us great power in our spiritual development. By receiving his inspiring blessings, we can grow our own innate potential for loving kindness, and develop the confidence we need to progress along the spiritual path.
Follow the Banner above for all the info!

Vajrapani's April Retreat ~ Celebrating Buddha's Enlightenment Day!

Compassion Buddha

Nyungne Purifying Retreat

Vajrapani Center

Sunday April 14

This special fasting and purification retreat is performed in conjunction with Thousand-armed Avalokiteshvara, the Buddha of Compassion—the nature of great, unlimited compassion.
This is to celebrate Buddha’s Enlightenment Day April 15.
This practice is very powerful for purifying negative karma pacifying strong delusions, receiving blessings, and increasing our love, compassion and bodhichitta. In this retreat we make many effective prayers for all suffering to completely cease and receive the most powerful blessing to travel swiftly along our path to enlightenment.
*The day begins at 7:00am with the practice of Mahayana Precepts; this is required to attend any of the later sessions on that day.  If you haven’t taken precepts before, please click here to learn about the commitments of precepts.  This retreat involves fasting, and making three sessions of prostrations, with the sadhana “Drop of Essential Nectar”.

This retreat is free and open to everyone. Please click HERE or on the image above for the session details and fasting requirements.
April 15 ~ Movie Night for Buddha's Enlightenment Day!
April 15 is Buddha's Enlightenment Day, on which we celebrate Buddha's extraordinary deed of showing the manner of attaining enlightenment in this world.

6:30pm - Potluck

7:00pm - Movie:  The Life of Buddha

Following the potluck, we will watch a projection of The Life of Buddha movie in our meditation room. This special dramatic presentation was inspired by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso and his teachings, and visually captures the essence of Buddha Shakyamuni's life.

Based on the twelve principal deeds of Buddha it reveals, in a clear entertaining and moving way, the essential characteristics of a spiritual life. It was performed over various years by Kadampa Buddhist students at the NKT-IKBU International Summer Festival in the Kadampa World Peace Temple at Manjushri KMC, UK.
This screening also features a recording of a talk by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso at the Kadampa World Peace Temple, England.
1 hour, 53 minutes
Join us at Vajrapani  Center for a fun and meaningful spiritual evening with like-minded friends to celebrate this special day. This is a free event. Everyone is welcome!

April's General Program Classes - everyone welcome!

Our human life is very precious and meaningful but only if we use it to attain the supreme happiness of enlightenment. We should encourage ourselves to accomplish the full potential offered by our human life through contemplation and meditation on Buddha’s teachings. Sundays 10:00-11:30am

04/07   Enjoying A Life Worth Living!
04/14   Endings and Beginnings
04/21   The Wheel of Life
04/28   Finding Refuge From the Storm


During these classes we will learn how to understand and meditate on our own mind. This simple yet profound meditation, called Sutra Mahamudra, is an extremely powerful method to improve our concentration and wisdom and a practical method to solve our daily problems.

04/04   The Clarity of the Mind
04/11    Supple Peace Arising from Concentration
04/18   A New Wellness, Within and Without
04/25   A Subtle Bliss

What to Expect
Classes are 1.5 hours and include two guided meditations and a talk on Buddhism for everyday living. Although classes are part of a series, each class is stand alone.
Our meditation classes are by donation, however no one is ever turned away for lack of funds. The requested donation is $10 ($5 for Students and Limited Income). You can pay at the door or in advance at our website.

Vajrapani Center is a 501(c)3 non profit organization dedicated to community enrichment.
Love is the Great Protector
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Vajrapani Kadampa Buddhist Center  •  813 Montana St  •  ORLANDO, FL 32803

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