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Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching
With Jill Badonsky March 7, 2011

Oh Hi, ,
I was just putting my ear down close to my soul and listening hard. First my stomach growled (broccoli) and then I heard the sound of my bliss playing drums and bands of percussive ideas exploding with sparking flashes into shuttles of aha moments- you know, the creative flow and floorshow.
It's a passion.
I'm having a love affair with my writing and art, go have your own affair - passion makes the process amazing and then the results take care of themselves. Creativity is indeed, it's own reward.
Having a hard time getting started or making the time? Try our next round of Blissfuly Imperfect: Freeing Your Creative Joy Part Too.. everyone's invited. Former members get a $25 refund for signing up again. 
Go over to Creativity-Portal and see the new column which tells how astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson encourages us to Make Stuff Up. Oh yeah, there's a few creative tools I share below... that I made up.
Thanks for reading this. I know you're busy. Breathe. Find your tribe. Listen to a song that inspires my spirit to write. I hope it inspires yours.
creativity crash course
Click on the creativity crash to see Terry Border's Bent Object Blog,
Bent Ideas Straightened and Shot Through Your Sky,

Creativity is Still My Oxygen

just saying.
Next Free Creativi-tea Teleconference
Seeing with New Eyes: Tips and Triggers (bring paper and pens)
March 17, 2011 5 pm pacific/ 6pm mtn/ 7pm central/ 8 pm eastern
Join me in Taos for a Creativity Retreat in July - Electric Skies and Creative Thunder: Writing and Movement as a Conduit for Creativity - beam yourself here
Scroll down to read about Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach, Dawn Kotzer

Talking Back to the Inner Tyrant

What has the inner tyrant been saying to you this week?
Writing down in your journal what that voice slings at you heightens your awareness of it and gives you power to do something other than passively believe it.
Any of these tyrant generated statements sound familiar?
  • You never finish anything.
  • You quit too easily.
  • Someone else is doing that idea... better than you.
  • What if you're wasting your time and your idea goes nowhere?
  • This is too hard, too much, too perpendicular, too ecru.
  • I have no time.
  • That scarf doesn't match that blouse and you have mustard on the corner of your mouth.
If you hear these or any other messages that don't feel real supportive... you're not alone. Tyrannical voices in the creative process are a common part of the process - most of us have them, and those that us who don't have them really shouldn't have had that lobotomy. It's a cop-out.
The difference between those creative people who crumble when these voices spout off and those who succeed despite them, is [continued here].

the muse IS in

Second Ransom Question (in the Ransom Questions Series)

How do I deal with the Comparison Demon?
See replies on the bottles above.
Learn to talk back to the comparison-demon.
Comparison can be toxic to the creative process.
Trust your OWN path, your own time-line, your own plan of action.
Astrological Spells for March from The Awe-manac

Aries:  Imagine a smile circulating inside of your cells. Notice how that feels.
Taurus: Purposely scan your car radio for some music you’ve never heard before and listen with an open mind and closed windows.
Gemini: Make patience a new hobby you are terribly keen on perfecting.
Cancer: Buy a new houseplant and give it a name that amuses you – post the name by the pot. Write a conversation with your plant in your journal.
Leo: Give yourself $25 to spend in a craft store however your child-spirit wants
Virgo: Discover a new way to prepare veggies and narrate making it as if you were on the Food Network.
Libra: In writing (optional: with rough illustrations)- reinvent an event in your history as a more empowering one.
Scorpio: Take 15 to 30 seconds to feel a full-body, mind and spirit sense of buoyancy.
Sagittarius: Place a cool washcloth on your eyes for 5 minutes sometime this month and sigh.
Capricorn:  Spend some time with a specific tree this month – get to know it.
Aquarius: Take a day just for yourself this month – do anything as long as you include something you haven’t done in a long time.
Pisces: Buy a coloring book and color it for relaxation.
Find out how The Marshmallow Queen reinvented herself to find her tribe members.

Inspired Events and Workshops

New Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Series by Jill at Creativity Portal
March 17, 2011 5pm pacific/ 6pm mtn/ 7pm centrl/ 8pm east
Creativi-tea: First Monthly Free Teleconference
This month learn how to turn on the creative flow even when the plumbing has been stuck lately Sign-up here
Your long distance plan applies.. just call the number and you're in.. no special equipment, brain-plates, or oxygen apparatus needed.
Will be recorded.
April 4 - May 9, 2011  Blissfuly Imperfect Part Too
Mondays 4 pm pacific or Tuesdays 11 am pacific (what time is that for you? Time Converter)  Classes are an hour or so, you are invited into our member's only blog, visual journal ideas are provided but you are mainly supported with imaginative and practical tools, structure, and love to successfully make creativity a higher priority and show you how to break through blocks that stop you like perfectionism and procrastination. No need to have gone through part one and if you were in part one.. part two will strengthen your gains). More information here.
Our Blissfully Imperfect program is creating break-throughs for its participants. Find out more about the program on the March 17 call or sign-up now before we fill again. Sign-up here
May 3 - Aug 16, 2011
On-line and Teleconference Muse Facilitator Training:
Enjoy spreading the creativity priniciples of the Nine Modern Day Muses (and a Bodyguard) for another stream of joy and income. Janet Whitehead and Jill Badonsky.
Juliana Finch writes a Spills poem.
Last KMCC month's call: Taming the Inner Critic is available for $1.99 ..
Click on the big button below if you're viewing this as a webpage for $1.99:
July 17-22, 2011 Jill's Summer Taos Creativity Retreat
Electric Skies and Creative Thunder: Conduits for Creative Expression
I'm still riding high from the winter retreat but am sooo thrilled that I get to do this again right smack in the middle of a Taos summer.
5 nights of creative electricity at the Mabel Dodge Luhan House in enchanting Taos, New Mexico
For those who want to move creativity up on your priority list and jump-start habits to make that easier for the rest of your life.
August 24 - December 7, 2011
Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Training
(Cost goes up in 2012)
Now accepting applications for the Fall Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching training. Click here for more information.
Because the interest in KMCC training has increased dramtically, we are thinking about adding a training. If you are interested in taking the training beginning in May 2011, please send an email to with "May Training: Maybe Me" in the subject line
Find out why people are LOVING The Muse is In Writing Club.   Here's a sample of The Muse is In Writing Club biweekly Newsletter 
To sign-up, go here and Scroll down
“Art is literacy of the heart” ~Elliot Eisner


Featured Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach

 Dawn Kotzer, Certified Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach
"I live below a hill, below another hill in almost wilderness, Saskatchewan, Canada and I love where I live.
Creativity is my daily companion no matter the task at or play.
Awareness is my guide.
Artist, Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach, Entrepreneur, Martha Beck Certified Life Coach,  farm hand and more...
Besides mowing acres of grass just for the smell of it, I have discovered that dipping into creative consciousness is akin to breathing fresh air.
Simply put, Everything in Life flows better when you embrace your Creative Self.
Dawn Kotzer Coaching
Blog- Dawn Kotzer Curious

Visit KMCC coaches here

Take the day off

Appreciate yourself.

The Muse is IN • 3142 1st Ave • San Diego, CA 92103
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