“All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players ..." William Shakespeare, As You Like It
It's outdoor season in New York City, and I love to run, bike, walk through the parks and see the children, dogs, grownups too, in the playgrounds, on the grass, and in the divine play of life.
When do we realize that we are only players in this life, learning; trying things on, moving on with what we've learned, enjoying the act of experience itself? Then perhaps ~ we laugh, like the six-year-olds that know ~ nothing is really that serious! It'a all just another day of play! Then, maybe just perhaps, we begin to find our God-given task, our divine dharma. We, actors, invited as collaborators, in divine play.
“The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves." Carl Jung
Take time to play! The cover photo above is from my third consecutive year taking a retreat, not teaching it, with my pals Adi Carter and Kadri Kurgun's Redefining Balance week, refueling myself each winter by going away to play.
Here's where you can catch me officially this summer. Unofficially in parks and on my bike and at the theater or just chillin' when I can!
Workshops, Retreats, Festivals:
June 6-8~Women’s Retreat, Wagging Tail Yoga, Catskills, NY
June 15 ~ Sunday Slackline Series, 3-5PM, Brooklyn Boulders, NY
June 19-22 ~ Wanderlust Vermont ~ assist C.Loebsack & Yuki Tsuji-Hoening, Stratton Mountain, VT
Pure Yoga New York Classes *Email me for a guest pass:
Monday ~ 10:30-12:00 Slow Flow Meditation, Pure East
Tuesday ~ 12:30-1:30 Restorative, Pure East
Thursday ~ 11:00-12:30 YinYang, Pure West
Thursday ~ 5:30-6:30 Vinyasa 1/2, Pure East
Friday ~ 10:30-12:00 Chakra Slow Flow, Pure West
Friday ~ 5:30-6:30 Restorative, Pure East
Om Factory AcroYoga Classes & Jams:
1st Mon ~ 5:30-7:00 Solar (Acrobatics) Open Level ~ Union Square
1st Mon ~ 7:15-8:30 Lunar (Therapeutics) Basics ~ Union Square
Fri ~ 7:30-9:15 AcroYoga Flow Open Level ~ Fashion District
1st & 3rd Fri ~ 9:30-11:30pm AcroYoga JAM ~ Fashion District
Schedule Private Sessions by Appointment:
*AcroYoga *Thai Yoga Bodywork *Restorative Yoga *Yoga Nidra Meditation
*NB Pure Yoga has a 3-pack Privates Summer Special of $295 for 3 one-hour long sessions. Limit one time purchase, transferable among all Pure teachers, not limited to Members. Other specials ongoing.
June 1st ~ Northeast AcroYoga Family Photo
Yes, this Sunday, June 1st, help our local AcroYoga expanding family make the largest & most awesome AcroYoga Family Photo shoot, in Sheep Meadow, Central Park! Photo shoot at 4pm, Jam play from at least 2pm, or as early as people enjoy. Photo contest is sponsored by the 5th annual Divine Play Festival in October in Portland, OR (see below)! See you tomorrow in the Park!
October 10-12 ~ Divine Play Festival
Oct. 10-12 is the 5th Annual Divine Play Festival, the largest gathering of teaching, learning, singing, dancing, divinely playing AcroYogis every year on the planet. It is the second year at this beautiful venue in downtown Portland, OR. Tickets are on sale now, and go up $75 in price after July 1st. I will teach two classes: one acrobatic with Millissa Greenwood of Vancouver, Canada (Elves Flying Elves) and one therapeutic with NYC's Lesley Kennedy (Intuitive Bodywork). Plan your festive time now! I'm excited to teach and to play! All levels.
August 23-24 ~ NYC AcroFest
Right here in NYC! ~ our 3rd annual NYC Summer AcroFest is Aug. 23-24 at the friendly and beautiful high-ceiling Circus Warehouse, just one stop out of Grand Central on the #7 train. It is my son's college move-in weekend, but I may just be able to tear myself away to teach one class ... and to participate some with the beauteous offerings of the Northeast Coast teachers in the lineup! Tickets are on sale now!
All my surf and outdoor climbing happens on my yearly yoga retreats with my adventure yogi pals.
Climb o  n, friends! Play on, play actors! Blessed be the life you surf ~ and serve ~
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti ~
Peace, Love
21 years ago, at age 56, Ernestine Shepherd
decided, with her sister, to get up off the couch and get fit. It was hard for Ernestine when her sister died not long after. In her honor, she kept on training, to fulfill their dream to become the world's oldest competitive female body-builders.
This she is, and more: an inspirational fitness teacher, a wife, community member; calm soul and disciplined athlete at age 77, with grey hair and soft voice but the smooth, glowing musculature of a 30-year-old.
This lady ranks beside Tao Porchon-Lynch as powerful women magi of our time. They inspire us to love our life and live it to the maximum, simply by living theirs in a way that no-one else has charted for them but they themselves.
A few healers I love to share:

1) Lisa Ludovici ~ Certified Medical Support Hypnosis Practitioner, who dissolved my year-long crippling sciatica last November
2) Esprit Wellness ~ Chiropractic specialists for athletes & performers; & international scoliosis treatment center
3) Mona Chopra ~ holistic Acupuncture midtown East
4) Royal Tui Na ~ tiny, hole-in-the-wall Chinese massage in midtown East, amazing prices/staff
5) Maxwell Medical ~ sports medicine, PT, chiro, acupuncture; free initial consult + 30-minute massage; very low co-pay, depending on insurance
6) Zen Spa & Sauna ~ love Nina's deep tissue massage; love body scrub/ sauna/massage package! For a total rejuvenation!
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Namaste ~