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Alki UCC

 Alki UCC Weekly Messenger December 2, 2016
Tomorow Night
West Seattle Helpline Benefit features
Acoustic Urban Blues & Folk
Saturday, December 3 at 7:00 pm
Alki UCC Music with a Heart
Chic Street Man
In Concert
Acoustic Urban Blues and Folk
Saturday, December 3 at 7:00 pm
Alki UCC Sanctuary
Join us for a rare, local solo performance by Chic Street Man, a uniquely talented artist with an international following. His music is an exciting blend of bluesy, urban, acoustic ballads and funky, jazzy, upbeat originals that transcend barriers of culture and attitude.
Net proceeds benefit the West Seattle Helpline, a beloved non-profit social service agency offering emergency assistance for West Seattle residents. A free will offering of $20 suggested. Refreshments & treats served at intermission. Contact Joe Mitter for further info.  
Welcoming the Light: A Solstice Evening
Tuesday, December 20, 6:30 to 8:30 pm
It was so lovely last year, so we’re doing it again! Come together for a while in our candlelit sanctuary on the longest night of the year. You can walk the labyrinth, color, pray, journal or just sit and listen to the gentle music coming over the sound system.
We’ll have hot drinks in the narthex, a fire going on the patio, and the whole place lit only by candles and the white lights on the Christmas tree and garlands.
Come when you can, leave when you're ready. The sanctuary will be open from
6:30 to 8:30 pm.
Alternative Giving Fair
Saturday, December 10, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Fellowship Hall, Fauntleroy Church
9140 California Ave, SW
“Worship Fully, Spend Less, Give More, Love All.” These are the “Advent Conspiracy” themes that Alki UCC and Fauntleroy UCC are exploring this season.
Our Alternative Giving Fair, co-sponsored by the three UCC churches in West Seattle, provides a wonderful way to live out the goals of this Advent Conspiracy. More than 15 nonprofit organizations that do a wide range of amazing work locally and around the world will be present to answer your questions.
You can find out how to volunteer your time AND make donations as gifts in honor of friends and family this Christmas. These gifts will continue to give love, food, emergency support, companionship, care for creation, and resources for healthier, kinder communities long after our trees and decorations are boxed up.
A craft area will engage younger children in making simple gifts while you explore your giving options.
Most organizations present will also have printed notecards you can use to tell your loved ones that a donation was made in their honor. Go to the Fauntleroy church website for a complete list of participating nonprofits!
Here's another "Alternative Advent" event, sponsored by one of our own community members.
Joe’s Charity Holiday Art Show and Sale
Saturday, December 3, 10:00 am to 4:30 pm
8145 29 Ave SW
Joe Aprile invites you to his annual Art Show. Proceeds benefit:
First Place Scholars 
White Center Food Bank 
West Seattle Helpline
Representations of the artist’s work can be found by clicking here
The WIN Corner 
Call for Volunteers!
White Center Lunch
  for Homeless/Low Income Neighbors 
Saturday, December 10, noon to 2:00 pm
Bartell’s parking lot
9600 15th Ave SW

We already have soup makers, but would love 100 cold sandwiches to be made for our guests to pack away (great project for middle and high schoolers that need community service hours!), along w/ fruit (oranges and grapes are best) and desserts (cookies, brownies, soft bars, etc).
We also need people to help set up/take down the tables/tents, sort and distribute donations and provide warm smiles and hellos to people in need. Keep the donations coming! Contact Cinda.
Opportunities for the Holidays:
1) Donations needed to make gift bags for low income/homeless:
WIN gives out holiday gift bags at two Christmastime meal events (see below). We need 200+ pieces of combs/brushes, cough lozenges, lip balm, tooth brush/paste, bandaids, tissue travel packs, note pads/pens, disposable razors, travel shampoo/conditioner and lotions, socks/gloves/hats/scarves, granola bars, cheese & crackers, raisins, fruitcups, cookies, individual pkg of cocoa/tea, beef jerky, deck of cards/puzzles/board games/word search/crosswords, bite size candy, etc.
Even if you can't give 200+ pieces, a portion goes a long way! Dollar Store, Grocery Outlet, Oberto outlet, bulk deals online are some resources for finding inexpensive products. If you have donations, please bring to church by December 19 and/or contact Cinda to arrange pickup or delivery to another WIN member.
2) Assembling the Gift Bags
We'll gather (w/holiday music and snacks!) on Tuesday, December 20 at LDS Church, 4001 44th SW, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.
3) Christmas Eve Hot Lunch Service at the White Center Bartell's at noon. WIN needs volunteers to prepare the meal, serve and hand out gift bags.
4) Christmas Day Lunch Service at Camp Second Chance on Myers Way. Officer Todd Weibke (of Nextdoor fame) is collecting the food and needs volunteers to prep, serve and hand out the gift bags.
5) Students Experiencing Homelessness
    at Denny Middle School:
Last year we adopted five families of students at Denny MS who were experiencing homelessness, purchasing much needed and items and precious gifts for them and their entire family. The people of Alki UCC rose to the opportunity to bring joy to these kids, and we went all-out to provide their requests (you guys were amazing!). A dedicated crew shopped for each family and cash flowed in to cover. If you want to do this again this year, please let me know!
Please see Shannon Peterson or Cinda Stenger for more info on all Outreach projects.
Holiday Food Drive Sunday, December 17
We'll have grocery bags at church this Sunday or bring your own!
Needed Items:
Canned Vegetables (Green Beans, Refried Beans, Black Beans, Corn, Sweet Potatoes, White Potatoes, Squash, Greens, etc.); Boxed Potatoes and Rice/Pasta Mixes; Boxed or Bagged Stuffing Mixes; Boxes of Baking Goods; Cans of Gravy and Fruit.
Round-the-year staples are also welcome as well as toiletries and pet food (carefully sealed and labeled in plastic baggies or by the entire bag).
Hospitality at Our Door
Especially through Advent and at Christmas, greeting people at our door is 20 minutes of joy. Sharing in smiles and concentrating on visitors’ needs is a satisfying assignment. It’s even better if there are two people working as a team, when attendance increases at holiday time.

I started greeting as a new member and found it was a fast way to meet new people. Now it’s time to expand this team. Choir practice before worship on Sunday has engaged a growing number of people. I need help. Welcoming attention in the Narthex at the door is it. To participate, get to church around 20-25 minutes before service, wear your name tag and watch that door.
Please let me know if you can join in the fun. Thank you to everyone who regularly notices new visitors and reaches out. If we had a group of people who were ready to step in at a moment’s notice, everyone stepping through our door would know they were warmly welcomed.
— Jane Gunwaldsen
 Mardi Gras Gala Update!
Sign up, sign up, wherever you are,
    and you’ll be another Mardi Gras star.
         At home online or in person at coffee hour, do it now.
We’re counting on you to register for our Mardi Gras Gala fundraiser before Christmas. It’s the season of giving, and giving to our church is very special. Very important, too!
Volunteers will be available at coffee hour on Sunday to sign you up for this magical event. Look for the Mardi Gras table, complete with laptop, and bring your checkbook or a credit card. You can also add your name to our paper sign-up sheet, and a volunteer will contact you later to help you register.
We’re going to have a fabulous time. Great auction items, yummy dinner, dancing, and fun with friends — you won’t want to miss it!
Register by clicking the red Mardi Gras Gala square at
And contact one of us anytime with questions or concerns:
Charlie Hinckley           Jane Gunwaldsen        Julia Peeler
(206) 718-2574             (425) 218-1564            (206) 595-2059
In Our Circle of Prayer
For those grieving the recent death of a loved one: 
Doug Gunwaldsen, Julia Chase, Scott Mathews, Maria Brodahl, Trish Dodds; Susan Keating, Tara Barber, Karen Rutherford Dupuis, Lesa Henry, Wendy Henderson.

Recent hospitalization, illness and other concerns:
Bob Jackson, John Kinsman Jr, Cathy and Rick Martin's daughter Meaghan Martin; Jeff Jolly’s nephew, Craig Jolly; Bev Connor; Jan Cochran; Erica Bowers; Beryl Frood (Trish Dodds' mom).

Persons with ongoing needs: John Chowning, Eric Erickson

For homebound members/friends of Alki UCCMary Mason,
Ruth Okada 
Wider Church: Cheney United Church of Christ in Cheney, with pastor David Krueger-Duncan, and Prospect Congregational UCC in Seattle, with pastor Meighan Pritchard.
Wider World: 
Native Water Protectors and their supporters at Standing Rock; the congregation of Hopewell Baptist Church in Greenville, Mississippi, damaged by an arson fire; victims and all those affected by extremist violence and political unrest; the migrants seeking refuge around the world, and for those who are trying to help and serve them. The missing schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram, who remain in our hearts as long as they remain missing. The hungry and homeless, the ill and the addicted, the lost and the lonely; the unemployed; US officials and troops serving abroad.  
Alki UCC
Board of Directors 
Gary Gesellchen, Chair
Rod Peeler, Vice Chair
Shannon Peterson, Secretary
Tara Barber
Bob Jackson
Sandra Johnson
Dan Kennedy
Patty Magnuson
Shelley Petrie
Supporting Alki UCC:
Online Giving 
Alki UCC accepts MasterCard or VISA donations through

Alki UCC Website

Check for church news and calendar updates at
This Sunday, 
December 4
at 10:00 am
It’s the second Sunday in our “Advent Conspiracy” to Worship Fully, Spend Less, Give More and Love All.
This Sunday the focus is on “Give More,” and the scripture reading is the story of the birth of Jesus according to the Gospel of Matthew.
We'll also be celebrating Holy Communion.
The Week Ahead
Music with a Heart
  WS Helpline Benefit
  Acoustic Blues & Folk  
  Saturday at 7:00 pm
Choir Rehearsal
   Sunday at 9:00 am
  & Communion
  Sunday at 10:00 am
Choir Rehearsal
  Sunday at 11:30 am
Reinhardt Circle
  Thursday at 12:30 pm
Alternative Giving Fair
  Sat, Dec 10 at 10:00 am
  Fauntleroy Church
Alki UCC/WIN Lunch Service
  at White Center Bartell's
  Sat, Dec 10 at noon
Sunday School
Last Sunday Julia Chase taught and, with the help of the kids, set up a nativity scene in Room 22. The lesson was on the Peaceful Kingdom (Isaiah 11:6-10) so they added bears, wolves, lions, snakes, etc to the Nativity scene. Then the kids starting folding cranes, stars, boats, swans and airplanes to add to the scene. Naomi decorated the whole barn with red, lacy ribbon. All eight kids added the cedar greenery. It looks great!

Of course, by the end of the hour the boys were flying paper airplanes and the girls were busy telling the story of the Nativity, especially the baby and animals. Once again, in Julia’s words, it was "a priceless Sunday School Teacher moment!" Thank you so much Julia, you are a very special, shining jewel of an example for our kids and me!

This Sunday we dig into the “Advent Conspiracy” curriculum, with the focus this week on “Give More.” As much as we love to spoil our children, grand kids, nieces, and nephews, are we teaching them that Christmas is more about getting than giving? So this Sunday we are going to take a look at really giving instead of receiving. What can we do in this time of Plenty to help all those without? I know our children will be ready to jump in with both feet. Thank you so much for them!

Peace, love, joy and spiritual completeness to all, every day.
— Candi Terao
Holiday Poinsettias for Christmas
Alki UCC invites you join in our yuletide tradition of designating a holiday poinsettia in celebration or memory of a friend or loved one. If you would like to honor someone, please fill out the form available in the Narthex and put it in the church offering plate (with payment, noting "Poinsettia" on your check).
The flowers adorn the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day altar. Poinsettias are $13.00 each. Additional contributions to the Flower Fund welcome. Orders/final payments are due by Sunday, December 18.
Christmas and New Year's Services
Christmas Eve
5:00 pm
Worship service designed for families with young children.
10:00 pm
Traditional service with carols, choir and candle-lighting.
Christmas Day
10:00 am
Yes, Christmas and New Year’s fall on a Sunday this year! Admiral UCC will be joining us for Christmas Day, and we’ll go to their place the following week for the New Year’s Day. Stay tuned for more details about thrse services in upcoming newsletters.
West Seattle UCC Church Christmas Concerts
Songs of Christmas
Admiral Congregational Church
Sun, Dec 4 at 4:00 pm
Refreshments & Cookies 
Bring your favorite holiday cookies to share.
Free will donations benefit Mary’s Place; see flier in Narthex.
Christmas Concert
Fauntleroy Church
Sat, Dec 17 at 7:00 pm
Sun, Dec 18 at 4:00 pm
9140 California Ave, SW
Click here for info.
Community Action
Your One Night Count Opportunity
For an eye-opening and valuable experience, volunteer for the Seattle region’s annual One Night Count of people who are homeless. The event was recently renamed Count Us In and will take place early next year. To learn more and to volunteer, click here.
— Dan Kennedy
Please report incidents of hateful intimidation and harassment to your local law enforcement first.
Submitting the incident to the Southern Poverty Law Center using this online form will aid in our work monitoring incidents around the country.  
Pacific NW Conference Men's Retreat
at Pilgrim Firs
Thursday, Feb 2, 7:00 pm to
Sunday, Feb 5, 11:00 am
If you are ready for some peace, quiet, prayer, fellowship and good times, then gather for the 26th Annual PNC-UCC Men's Retreat at Pilgrim Firs.
Conference Minister Rev. Mike Denton will be sharing his thoughts and experiences around eldering, sharing wisdom, speaking into a culture that yearns for wise thoughts and actions.
The Silent Retreat starts on Thursday after dinner. Weekend Retreat starts on Friday after dinner and concludes at 11:00 am Sunday morning
—Dan Kennedy

Age 18+ 
$135, Retreat Weekend
  Feb 3 to 5
$195 Retreat Weekend +
  Day of Silence, Feb 2 to 5

Register here.
Alki UCC • 6115 SW Hinds • Seattle, WA 98116
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