It's been six weeks since NYC clubs and studios opened group fitness classes March 22nd, at 33% capacity with mandated air filtering, distancing, and masks indoors at all times.
It is a strange in-between phase there and in the city overall, and in varying stages in the country and world overall. Classes are small. We speak and breathe through masks.
More people daily are vaccinated, Some aren't or are partially; and some will not be, for varying reasons. So, we feel often in that foggy slide between shades of gray: we are open, we are quarantined, we are "partially re-opening" ... we are ... in-between.
I took on more classes than in the past decade, while lightening my virtual schedule only minimally. I pedaled back on personal and leisure pastimes: fewer picnics, walking visits, outdoor dining. Much less time for long self-practices and meditations.
In-Between: like a chrysalis, like growing pains, like the “transition” moment in childbirth that can feel searing, sometimes euphoric.
#LITO is an acronym for Living in the Orange, a zone that is neither red (stop!) nor green (all clear: go!). Can we breathe there? Can we love there? Can we flow, move, live as us, there?
Yoga teaches ease, sukha, within discomfort. To breathe in the in-between. I'll be quite frank and say I do not find it easy! I'm someone who likes equilibrium, balance, assuredness!
There is so much about life that feels uncertain. Do you find yourself as in a chrysalis, a crucible, a puja, fire of change?
Recently? Or now? Likely you will, time and again. That is the promise of life: Growth. Our heart chakra arises from our fire chakra.
Puja by Fire
Manipura below Anahata
Fire under the Love
Heart brimful with compassion
“My Joy is Heavy” (Arena Stage Riffs: The Bengsons)
From cauldron, crucible of fire
The Khalisi emerges in ashes, naked and glowing
Baby dragons ~ we all have powers
“Mother of Dragons” ~ what are yours?
As “Breaker of Chains” she chose power with
As “Avenger of Fury” she chose power over
Boundaries internal and external ~
My walk ~ & yours ~ how shall we ride our dragons?
Weekend Catskills Retreat: June 18-20
Early Bird pricing ends soon for our healing yoga weekend retreat at Wagging Tail Yoga, June 18-20, on Ora Ramat's 100-acre estate of rolling meadow and forest, with our own guest alpaca flock for retreat weekends, swimming pool, gorgeous yoga studio, organic garden, and delicious catered meals and all-level yoga and meditation classes Friday evening to Sunday morning.
This is our 15th seasonal weekend retreat, in 8 years together. Many photo albums and wonderful memories and friendships, as well as transformational moments, bless each weekend.
We are housed in the glorious and comfortable main house, the yoga studio house, or for the more adventurous, "glamping" on the lawn!
See the sample flow of the weekend, and pricing options, here.
Weekly Zoom (Times EDT; Recordings on Request +$5):
Pre-register 3 days prior to help make sure class happens.
Monday: 10-11:30 Slow Flow Meditation
Wednesday: 11-12 Yin/Restore
Sunday: 9-10PM Yoga Nidra Meditation
Weekly at Equinox NYC Eastside:
Tuesday: Regenerative Yoga 12-1PM ~ E.85 Street
Tuesday: Restorative Yoga 1:45-2:45 ~ E.92nd Street
Sunday: Vinyasa Open Level 11:45AM-12:45 ~ E.54th Street
Weekly at Pure Yoga Westside:
Thursday: Yin/Yang 12-1:15
Thursday: Yoga Nidra 2-3
Friday: Flow + Restore 11:45-1
Saturday: Slow Flow Meditation 12-1
Free Chakra Guitar Meditations
You can listen to seven chakra guitar meditations, with my voice, and my husband Raul's guitar, on Insight Timer, my favorite free meditation App, whenever you are in the mood! They vary from 6 to 22 minutes. Check them out!
Photo thanks:
Bethesda fountain flight pic: Michael St. Cole (& Sam Prestidge basing me).
Ora Ramat, Lesley Kennedy & yogi Eli Gruska for Wagging Tail Yoga pics.
Restore: Model Megan Kelley & Pure Yoga; Model Michelle Velasquez & Om Factory by Kristina Cubrilo.
I honor your email privacy and do not share email lists. Please feel free any time to Reply, Forward, Subscribe or Unsubscribe.
You can always find me ~ schedule, contacts, eNews & updates ~ on my website:
With love, care, hope, and vision for life & growth ~

Pure Yoga NYC and I invite you to my Restorative Mother's Day blissful workshop online this year, from 2-3:30PM EDT on Mother's Day, May 9th.
 Restore in the sweetness of your own home, with your own pillows, blankets, and home restorative studio, that I will guide you to create with everything you already have in your house.
My colleagues Frank and Elizabeth will contribute wisdom on starry alignments and aromatherapy tips, in my pre-workshop email to prepare your yoga dream nap space.
You'll sweetly soothe and restore all seven chakras, with music, sound, and guided meditation, in poses you will want to do time and again, once you taste them.

Come nurture yourself in these 90 minutes of pure restful bliss on this special Sunday afternoon!
Plenty of time for brunch before, or dinner after!
All are welcome! Information and registration here.
In 2013, I came across Judith Lasater's book What We Say Matters, on Non-Violent Communication. That led me to the late Marshall Rosenberg's many teachings, beginning with his book Non-Violent Communication: A Language of Life.
I have been so grateful since, to study with Thom Bond and NYC NVC, with great workshops, classes, and retreat intensives.

I have also taken for many consecutive years, Thom Bond's Compassion Course Online, which runs all year from June to June.
For 2020 and 2021, I have been delighted to be one of a worldwide team of Organizer/ Facilitators that both take the weekly Compassion Course ourselves, and host peer-practice groups year-round; this year, virtually is how most groups have met.
It's a tremendous strength for our group members to get to feel, share, and learn in community!
I urge you to check out the Compassion Course 2021, and if you do sign up, to email me to join my biweekly Wed. practice group! I'd love to share growth that way!

CCO 2021's Week #1 begins June 23rd. Registration is open now and it closes on June 22nd.