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Alki UCC
Alki UCC Weekly Messenger November 9, 2023
From the Pastor
Dear Alki UCC,
According to Mariah Carey and Costco, it is time to retrieve those Christmas decorations from the attic.
My family is usually ready to decorate for Christmas long before I am. Yeah, we know, Mom, Advent is first.
Religious professionals like myself may look disdainfully on decorating so early, in the beginning of November, at the risk of blurring those colors of the liturgical calendar.
Yet, this year, I think we can all use some cheer as soon as we can get it. I’m ready for some lights to brighten the ridiculously early sunset. My feathers are not at all ruffled by images of a newborn king before the turn of the calendar page.
It’s not Advent yet. But we can peer into the mystery. We can begin to ready our hearts. And I am so looking forward to our worship series from A Sanctified Art: How does a weary world rejoice?
We’ll have devotionals available the last Sunday in November and introduce the series in Bible Study on Tuesday, November 28, prior to the first Sunday of Advent on December 3.
Be sure to mark your calendars for our Advent Retreat on Saturday, December 9 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. This quiet time together will include multiple forms of prayer including a labyrinth walk, visio divina (holy viewing of art) and candle lighting.
Until then, I’m not planning to groan and complain too much about corporate America spending more time trying to get me to buy more decorations. I’ll be ready for Advent. I need the light.
In hope,
Pastor Emily
Happening this Sunday
Alki UCC Festival of Trees Team
9:00 am in the Parlor
We're meeting to brainstorm ideas and share inspiring photos, magazines and other creative examples of what Alki UCC means to us and what a tree from our congregation can represent in Fauntleroy's upcoming "Festival of Trees." It's all on the table!!
If you would like to attend and didn’t list your name last Sunday, please join us for our first “working“ session. Just bring your creative juices and any visual samples that speak to you ... I'll bring the coffee. See you not-too-early Sunday.

— Alyson
* * *
Immigrant Welcoming Committee
After worship in the Choir Room
You are invited to join the Immigrant Welcoming Congregation Core Group as we continue in our discernment and plan for our upcoming documentary film night.
* * *
Crafting for Community
After hospitality hour in the Parlor
Bring your crafting tools of choice or borrow from our communal supplies. Would you like to learn to crochet or knit? We’d love to teach you!
Come work on a current project or make items to share with those in need. We’ll gather 11:30 am to 12:30 pm in the parlor. 
Photo courtesy Unsplash
Highly recommended ... Final session Sunday
"Balance Due: The Price the Duwamish Paid for Seattle's Development"
Sunday, November 12 from 12:30 to 1:30 pm
In-Person Only at Admiral Church, 4320 SW Hill Street
Admiral Church concludes its powerful "Balance Due" series this Sunday with a presentation and discussion on the "Impact of Colonization on Duwamish Lands and Peoples."
A group of folks from Alki attended the first two sessions. Here's a sampling of their comments:
We like to think we know our US history, but we don't really know how the history affected our West Seattle neighborhoods! The lectures and discussions have been very informative. — Julia C
Participating in this series was a worthwhile experience for me. It was a demonstration of how a thorough examination of the history of the colonization of the Western United States by white settlers can lead to a greater understanding of the relationship between the current land holders of our region and the native American population that are direct descendants of a people that were forcefully evicted from their homeland. — Joe A
All are welcome and invited to learn a the honest history of white settlement in Seattle.
Our Peruvian Families Seeking Asylum
While there are always things happening with each of our three Peruvian asylum-seeking families, this week's report focuses on Johanny and Yudith, and their children, Dyland and Gia.
A continuance was the outcome of their final merits hearing last Thursday, due to the court being unable to provide a translator. The rescheduled hearing will be December 1.

The family has found, been accepted at and will be moving to an apartment in Burien this Saturday! Please keep them in mind if you have furniture to donate; Yesenia and Jhordy's family will remain in the Alki house until they can find other housing, most of the furniture will remain with them.

Dyland attends Denny International Middle School. Because the family has shared a home with another family, they have been considered homeless and have been able to access transportation through the McKinney Vento act, a federal law that provides federal money to assist with needs; in this case Dyland receives a cab ride from his Alki home to Denny.
Moving into their own apartment will remove them from their homelessness status, but MKV will continue to provide transportation for Dyland from his new home to Denny for the remainder of the school year, to provide continuity for him.
Likewise, Gia, who attends HeadStart at Roxhill, will continue to receive transportation from her Burien daycare to Roxhill until the end of the school year. Next year, both children will attend neighborhood schools in the Highline School District.
I just heard that Johanny and Yudith have received their work permit papers! We believe that Johanny has a job waiting for him with his former landlord, Bob Code, but now Yudith will also be able to seek legal employment and be paid at least minimum wage!
Please keep this family in your prayers as they navigate this new journey with so many new pathways!
— Vicky S
Calling All Cooks! Show your Stuff-(ing)!
Thanksgiving-Themed Welcome Table Lunch
Saturday, November 25
Aki UCC is providing The Welcome Table hot lunch on November 25, the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend!
Show off your Thanksgiving chops by preparing your signature dish or a tried-and-true favorite: roast turkey or chicken, potatoes, roast veggies, rolls, stuffing, cookies, pies and more!
More details to come, so mark your calendars now and think about what you might want to contribute. — Cinda
Tuesday Bible Study Ongoing
Registration Open
Noon to 1:30 pm on Zoom
Tuesdays through June
Zoom Registration here
The Study Guide for November 14 is linked here.
You have the option to attend every Tuesday or whenever your schedule permits!
Our first series, co-led by Pastor Emily and Rev. Penny M, offers a deeper exploration of each Sunday’s scripture/lectionary readings.
God speaks to us and through us when we gather together to read scripture and explore how scripture is speaking to us. Join us for this rich time of sharing!
Questions: please contact Penny M.
Zoom Registration Link here
In Our Circle of Prayer
For those grieving the recent death of a loved one:
The Alki UCC community, family and friends of Wanda D, the Alki UCC community, family and friends of Verona R, Diane J and family on the death of her father Thomas G, family and friends of longtime Alki UCC member Jan C, family and friends of UCC minister Rev. Bobbi Virta, family and friends of longtime Alki UCC member Anne S, Liese F and family, Jeff D and family, the Alki UCC community and friends/family of Nick Tobler-Wolff, Todd S and family, Patty M

Recent hospitalization, illness and other concerns:
Julia C’s friend Ethan, Cinda's mother Jackie S, Rev. Joan Carter, Dan K, Alki UCC's Peruvian Families Seeking Asylum, Shannon P, former Alki UCC member Dawn N, former members Davney and Bob S and Davney's mom Suzanne H, Shannon P's Florida family: Bill, Gail, Mary Ann & Bob; Julia C's friend Chelsea W, Denis BDon & Imy P and family, Patty M, Jane C and her family, Sue B's brother Tom and his wife CarlaJulia C's friend Jessie T & family, Amy Y's mother Corlene, Jeff D's brother Andy, former Alki UCC member Mark H, Sue B's friends Mary and Louise, Cindy, Jeff and Kirstin's sister-in-law Sue, Kirstin D, Shannon P's father Rev. Dr. Bill, Claire F, Kirstin D's father

For homebound members/friends of Alki UCC: Doris C

Wider World: Prayers for all those affected by the coronavirus outbreak; all those suffering from PTSD in the military and around the world; for all those affected by misguided immigration policies; prayers for fewer guns, for all victims and those affected by gun violence; victims and survivors of extremist violence around the world; migrants seeking refuge around the world, and for those who are trying to help them. The rest of the missing schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram, who remain in our hearts as long as they remain missing. The hungry and homeless, the ill and the addicted, the lost and the lonely; the unemployed.
Alki UCC Contact Info
6115 SW Hinds
Seattle, WA 98116
Church news/calendar updates at
Worship this Sunday,
November 12
at 10:00 am
 Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost 
Rev. Emily Tanis-Likkel
"Keep Watch"
Marilynn M
Scripture Reading:
Matthew 25:1-13
Music Director:
Stephen Anthony Rawson
Music Highlights:
Arise, arise! you slumbering sleepers
Appalachian Folk Song
All Are Welcome
Marty Haugen
Keep Watch and Pray
The Porter’s Gate 
Give Me Oil in My Lamp
(Sing Hosanna)
Traditional Hymn
Gather Us In
Marty Haugen
#164, Arise, Your Light Is Come
Ruth Duck
#524, This Little Light
African-American Spiritual 
Photo by Gadiel Lazcano on Unsplash
Join us either in-person (masks recommended) or virtually via Zoom.
If you're already registered for Sunday worship on Zoom, use your personal link. If not, welcome!  Register here.  
Save the Date!
Documentary Film on Immigration
Wednesday, December 6
at 6:30 pm at Alki UCC
The Immigrant Welcoming Congregation Core Groups of Alki UCC and Fauntleroy UCC are co-presenting a documentary film night in Anderson Hall.
The evening includes popcorn and facilitated discussion. More info soon!
PNCUCC Monthly News Now Online
Your resource for:
Conference Calendar
November Celebrations
 ... and more!
And read all about the Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson's historic installation as the United Church of Christ’s 10th General Minister and President. The service embodied multiple traditions, interfaith partners and joyful noise.
See story on
Recommended Reading
Can We Talk About Israel:
A Guide for the Curious, Confused & Conflicted
by Daniel Sokatch

The folks at KHN recommend this book as an excellent resource to help give context to events currently unfolding in Israel, Palestine and throughout the Middle East.
From the KHN newsletter:
Do you ever feel unable to enter conversations about Israel and Palestine? Do you feel left behind or overwhelmed by the intensity of opinions and rhetoric when the topic of Israel is raised? Does this intensity make it feel hard to organize your own thoughts and feelings, or to reach out to others?
This book is for anyone who wants to talk and think about Israel and Palestine but suspect they are missing key elements of context, history, vocabulary or subtext.
Are you prepared for an Earthquake ... 
 ... or other natural disaster???
Two quakes have hit the region in the past several weeks.  
A simple start to get prepared is to know the location of your West Seattle Emergency Communications Hub. 
The Emergency Communication Hubs are the initial gathering locations for information and resources.
King County Reports Increased COVID Hospitalizations 
Free COVID-19 Tests
Every U.S. household can now place an order to receive four more free COVID-19 rapid tests from
New COVID-19 Vaccine
For vaccination appointments now check for pharmacies and clinics,
Sunday Worship Registration
If you've already registered on Zoom, just use your personal link. If not, welcome! You can register here.
When you register, please use your first/last name plus your email.
Sunday Worship Videos Posted on YouTube
Sunday Worship recordings now online! Check out Alki UCC's very own YouTube channel.
On-Line Giving

For secure, online giving through Give Lively, click the button, OR, send your check, made out to "Alki UCC," to:
6115 SW Hinds, 
Seattle, WA 98116
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Alki UCC  •  6115 SW Hinds  •  Seattle, WA 98116

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